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Hello my Wattpad family! First of all, I want to say thank you so much to those who have been reading my stories and giving me awesome feedback! For those of you who have read this far into my story, I hope that it is still fun and interesting!! 

Also, I don't like to do self promotion but I JUST started a YouTube channel of me singing covers of songs :) I linked my video above! My channel name is Luen https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCP1sWNhiNEzKtJ10cyiBnqQ

If you go to my YouTube channel, make sure to comment saying that you are from Wattpad <3 and feel free to recommend a song you want me to cover!

Okay, enough of me talking, on with the story~~~


"Woowww" an ocean of amazement and awed sounds escaped each person's lips as they rode in the car all throughout the heart of New York City. 

As soon as they arrived, Genoive was way too excited to hurry and walk along the streets of New York that he basically made everyone sprint out of the plane and into their limousine taxi that he had reserved for their arrival.

Even though each person's body was in the limousine, their eyes were glued to the windows, looking outside to witness the sky scraping buildings and the citizens of the city walking around busily with a cup of coffee in one hand and their phones in the other hand. 

"They all dress so well! As if they are all models themselves. Wow! That's a Gucci purse! Those cost almost a fortune. I need one in my life!" Mindy squealed as she slowly tried to link arms with Jimin who was sitting right beside her. 

Although it was subtle, Juhee noticed and felt a pang of jealousy, although she wasn't quite sure why. But that feeling of jealousy was quickly swept away like dust when she observed how Jimin casually brushed her arm off of his and crossed his arms over his chest to prevent any more linkage. 

"Ha, octopus, serves you right." Thought Juhee, not knowing that she was smiling out of contentment. She was gradually witnessing the old, real Jimin reappear more and more. Without realizing it herself, or even wanting to admit it, she was slowly reopening her feelings for Jimin that she had tried to stuff down in her mind. 

"Yes, that's right! You should be extremely happy Belle! Everyone dresses so well here because there are so many brand name stores here that sell exclusive items! In fact, before your photoshoot, check out some clothing boutiques to see if you find any clothes that you want to wear for your photoshoot here!" Genoive was practically clapping like seal now. Something about New York made him 100x more extra, but no one knew why.

"Shopping!!" Juhee turned to Hana and they both grinned their widest and most genuine smiles that anyone had seen. They were holding each other's hands and practically bouncing up and down in their seats.

"Finally! Like all those movies we see about people shopping in New York!" Juhee's eyes were twinkling as she looked at Hana with excitement. 

Jimin, sitting across from the two of them couldn't help but cover his mouth with his fist, trying not to chuckle too loudly at how adorable the two of them were right now.

"Holding a cup of coffee in our left hand, wearing sunglasses and walking down the sidewalk with 5 shopping bags~" Hana lifted her head up toward the roof and held one hand up, pretending as if she was holding a cup of coffee and walking down the streets of New York already. 

"Yes, yes, yes! Those are all things to be ecstatic for girls! But don't forget, we are still here for business! So don't forget to find clothing pieces that are trendy and will accentuate your beautiful body Belle!" 

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