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BEFORE I GO ON WITH THIS CHAPTER. Let's all take a moment to appreciate and thank our boys! Even though they didn't perform last night for the BBMAs, they still slayed with their visuals and totally deserve the Top Social Artists Award. Truly, our ARMY family is the best and I wanna thank each and every ARMY who helped our boys go to the BBMA and win the award! 


{Jimin POV}

"Good! Just like that, keep doing that, you both are doing amazing!" 

Tae looked stunning as ever as he gave a combination of deep, sexy glares and playful box smiles to the camera. His usual shaggy, chocolate brown hair was gently styled in a swayed look that swept across his forehead, giving him a more intellectual look. I have to admit, I was shocked when I saw him pulling of Gucci slippers instead of wearing shoes. 

Belle on the other hand look completely different than what she usually looks like. I now understand why she is a model. Now that she isn't wearing her usual jeans and baggy tops, I could see her slender figure and tiny waist as the chiffon skirt synched in at her waist. 

Because she always has her hair up in a ponytail, I never noticed how beautiful and soft her long hair was. It was curled into beach looking waves which brought out the brown and gold tones from her hair. On the top is a deep, chocolate brown color and it slowly fades into a soft, blonde balayage at the tips. 

As I kept taking pictures and checking them, I noticed her half-moon shaped eyes that were a hazel color. However, when she smiled, it would look as if her eyes were smiling too. Her nose was small and pointy, which gave her almost a doll look. In addition, her defined, plump, rose colored lips looked so moist that they almost looked like glass in the pictures. 

She was getting prettier and prettier the more I looked at her.

I kept giving Belle and Tae compliments as they posed in different positions after each click of my camera. Their chemistry with each other was amazing, which made my job of taking pictures of them more easy. It almost felt as if they were old friends when they got close together so comfortably. Also, hearing them laugh with each other and cracks jokes with each other seemed so naturally. Their humor felt similar to the humor that all of the BTS members and Juhee used to have when we lived all together. 

"I miss Juhee." I thought as I paused and simply stared at the marble white floor while I could hear Belle and Tae's laughter and chatter muffled in the background. Something about the way she talked with Tae made me jealous without me knowing why. All I knew was that their conversations seemed so familiar... 

I wish I could have that close relationship with Belle too.. She reminds me of--


The photoshoot ended and Jimin shot incredible photos for their magazine with the help of Juhee and Taehyung working so diligently and well together. Also, Dan had come up with an advertisement for the billboards all over the street that would advertise their magazine in a fancy way. 

With Mindy finishing her last phone call with a factory about some publication information, the day was over and a lot of work had been accomplished. 

As everyone was packing up their bags from their desks and Taehyung about to walk out the door, Genoive came skipping down the stairs while putting his hands up in an "extra" kind of way singing, "Let's all go out for a business dinner tonight~ It'll be on me!"

At once, every one jumped up with excitement since this was their first business dinner together. Hana ran up to Juhee and wrapped her arm around Juhee's and piped, "Yay! I am starving! Let's see how good you are at drinking~" 

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