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{Yoongi POV}

"Juhee, what time is our fli--" 

I cut myself off when I walked to the entrance of Taehyung and Namjoon's room. 

"You don't have to pretend with me."

The voice was unmistakably Taehyung's. The deep tone of it had Taehyung written all over that voice. But what I was curious about was what he had said to Juhee. 

Pretend? Pretend what? I hate being curious. I will get to the bottom of this soon. 



I walked over to the bed and pulled off the sheets to find Juhee blushing a bright red color while Taehyung was looking up at me in shock as he jumped out of bed. 

"Yoongi hyung, what's wrong with you? Don't just come barging into my room without saying anything."

"Taehyung, what are you doing to Juhee?" Yoongi grabbed his arm. 

"N-nothing, I just needed to tell her a secret." 

The pronoun "her" made my eyes grow wide. 

What the hell is going on now!?

I quickly turned to Juhee and looked him up and down trying to register if what Taehyung just hinted at was true. 

"Juhee. Take off your shirt."

I needed to confirm whether or not Taehyung was lying. 

Taehyung is lying. Of course Juhee is a boy... he will take of his shirt and prove us that he is a guy.

Then again, why is it that there is a small part of me that is hoping for me to be wrong and Taehyung right?

{Your POV aka: Juhee}

"Take off your shirt." 

Yoongi's command made me freeze. I completely had a mental breakdown. At that moment, I couldn't think and got caught up in my own thoughts and pondered on what I should do at that moment that I even forgot that Taehyung and Yoongi were still standing right in front of me, staring.

Not knowing how to get out of the situation, I closed my eyes. Tears came trickling down my cheeks at a slow speed. One by one I started to unbutton my shirt. Once I reached the last button, I slightly opened it just enough so that they could confirm what they wanted to confirm. 

"Oh. my. Go-" Yoongi was cut off by Taehyung hand that came cupping his mouth.

Yoongi's eyes went from the bandages around my breasts up to my face to validate if what he saw was true and if the person who he had basically lived with for 4 years was the person who he was looking at now... a girl. 

Taehyung, not surprised by my identity, quickly pinned Yoongi to the wall and leaned in close as he spoke seriously to him. I couldn't hear what Taehyung said but I knew that whatever Taehyung was saying was important because for once, Yoongi wasn't talking back and just listening to Taehyung. 

"Okay, fine, I got it. Now move your hands." Yoongi lightly pushed Taehyung to the side and walked out the room without giving me a second glance. 

I was still on the bed with my shirt slightly opened. I was looking down out of embarrassment that I didn't notice Taehyung walking my way. Leaned over and started to button back up my shirt from the bottom to top, one by one. 

His eyes were fixed to the side so that he wasn't staring at my chest. 

After he had buttoned the top button, he quickly leaned back and inhaled for oxygen. 

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