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{Author's POV}
After a peaceful first night in Bali, Juhee's phone alarm went off and filled the entire room with her ringtone.

{Juhee's POV}
"Jimin, get up." I croaked, trying to wake up my vocal cords.

Jimin just tossed and turned around in the bed sheets while letting out a tired moan. 
"What time is it?" He softly whispered.

"9:00am, we need to start getting ready to go to the beach!" I said with excitement.

He suddenly jerked his head up from his pillow and smiled his dorky/smiling eyes smile and let out a "yay" as he quickly slid off the bed to get changed. 

As he headed to the bathroom, he stopped and peeked his smol head out from the side of the bathroom entrance and asked, "Juhee, will today finally be the day when you man-up and go shirtless like the rest of us hyungs?" Jimin was smirking by the end of his question.

"Eyy, hyung, if I do, I will just embarrass myself! You all have been working out much more than me! Especially Jungkook. Even his legs are scary muscular!"

I looked down and pinched my stomach with my shirt, "I am going to look like I have mochi rolls on my stomach compared to you guys."

Jimin giggled, "I highly doubt they are as mochi-like as my cheeks though!" He cupped his cheeks while slightly filling them up with air to give him an exaggerated mochi appearance. 

I laughed when I suddenly saw Jimin head over to the bed where I was still sitting, "Fine, let's compare then." He said while playfully trying to reach for my shirt to lift up. 

We wrestled a while on the bed, getting our morning workout in. Jimin was laughing the whole time and playfully trying to lift up my shirt while I on the other hand was sweating profusely. There was no way I could blow my cover now with him, my roommate! But thankfully I did a good job in acting playful that Jimin didn't notice the beads of sweat running down the side of my forehead. 

"Okay fine, fine, you win today!" Jimin sat straight up with his legs straddled while I was on the bottom still laying down. 

"Start working out then so that you can be as cool as your hyungs Juhee." Jimin got up after sending me a quick wink.

"Now get out of bed you lazy roll of mochi! Let's go to the beach!" Jimin said as he walked toward the bathroom again to brush his teeth.

Ahhh my heart! So adorable!


"Wahhhhh ba-da-da!" Jin said as he spun around and around until he fell on the warm sand. 

Yes! We finally made it to the beach after Jin had cooked us omurice, after Yoongi found his ipad that he lost, and after those 10 minutes that it took to get Jeon Jungkook to wake up from his beauty sleep. Gosh, that boy just looovees his beauty sleep. 

"The ocean is so beautiful! Jungkook, take a picture of me!" Taehyung was already positioned with his fingers making a V shape beside his right eye as Jungkook started to go "photoshoot" mode on him. 

The deep sapphire blue ocean twinkled like diamonds behind Taehyung as he took his picture. The sounds of the waves crashing onto the shore serenaded my ears as I felt the wind brush against my arms and face.

"Oi, Juhee! Did you bring the water from the dorms?" Namjoon called out from behind me.

I rummaged through my beach bag to find now water bottles in view.

"Oh shoot! I forgot to pack the water bottles hyung. Sorry." I quickly bowed.

Namjoon made a whince-like face expression as he just smiled and told me that there was a small refreshment bar where we could all get drinks. 

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