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Give him a second chance.

Taehyung's words were ringing in Juhee's head that she didn't even notice that Genoive was making an important announcement. 

"Belle! Are you listening?" Genoive waved one hand in front of her face causing her to snap out of her own thoughts. 

Slightly embarrassed, a reddish hue appeared on her cheeks, looking as if she had put blush on that morning.

"S-sorry, I am listening now." Juhee lifted her head up to look straight at Genoive.

After giving a genuine, soft smile to Juhee, Genoive spun around to face the other people and opened his arms at the same time as he announced,

"We are going to go on a mini vacation to New York!~" 

Everyone's eyes widened with excitement and shock from the last minute news that Genoive was revealing now.

"What?! Are you serious?" Mindy squealed.

"Yay! I need to hurry and pack then." Hana said as she linked arms with Juhee and jumped up and down like a little girl.

"What is the occasion for though?" Jimin asked.

"Well, we need more 'realistic' and 'aesthetic' photos for our magazine. So, what better place than New York to capture both!" Genoive was practically shouting out of excitement by now.

"I am so excited!! We will get the awesomest photos and drink coffee every morning! Also, we will be able to see the beautiful building tower over our heads as we walk and--" 

The excitement that Genoive had for this New York trip was evident in the way that he had said all that without taking a single breath. 

"Breath Genoive, breath." Juhee said, laughing at how, oddly, cute Genoive was when he got excited about something.

"Ahem, yes." Genoived put his hands over his chest, clearing his throat before resuming.

"We leave tomorrow morning, 9am sharp. Remember, we are only there for about a full day so we need to be on top of things and get the photos take care of! Okay Jimin?"

Feeling a bit pressured since he is the only photographer among the group, he replied with a loud and energetic, "Yes sir!"

Hearing Jimin's strong and confident answer, Genoive couldn't help but show a hearty smile as he clapped his hands three times with a booming,

"Then everyone is dismissed for the rest of the day today! Go home, pack up, and get good rest. Because tomorrow, we are heading over to New York~" 


After a night of packing and exciting, jittering feelings for each person, the next morning came by quickly. With each of them being too excited about this last minute New York business trip, everyone arrived at the airport around 30 minutes before 9am.

"Wonderful, wonderful, amazing! Everyone is here~" Genoive practically sang once Mindy, the last person to arrive, rolled through the doors with a massive suitcase be dragged behind her.

"Now, here are the tickets for everyone." Genoive said as he pulled out his rectangular envelope that held the plane tickets. He took out each ticket and gave it to each person until he had no more tickets left in the envelope. 

"Let's go!" Genoive pointed toward the direction of he security check point and started walking, leading the way for the others to follow. 

After going through security and arriving at their gate, they had about 30 minutes to spare until it was time to board. 

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