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{Jimin POV} 

I swear, if it wasn't for that dog that looked so sad, then I would've been on time to work. I felt so bad for the small golden retriever that was on the side of the road because it was a thin as a stick and seemed to be starving that I just HAD to stop by the bakery on the side and buy a few biscuits for him.. or her, I am not sure which one it was.

But oh gosh, good thing Genoive wasn't too upset about my tardiness. He was all smiles and was extremely warm to me as he introduced me to the rest of the team. Thank God.

I looked around and saw everyone on our production team and was not surprised that I had no idea who any of them were. The only one I knew was Genoive, but that's because he happened to be perusing through a magazine and fell in love with the photographs in the magazine. He ended up stalking that producers and photographers and discovered that I was the one who was the photographer. 

Ever since... our group disbanded, it was extremely hard for all of us. Although we were all apart now, we still remained close and still try to keep in contact with each other, but... It gets hard now that each of us have our own careers now. 

As I looked around the room, I silently thanked Namjoon in my head for encouraging me to pursue photography since he said I had a natural talent for it from when I took pictures of him for his #KimDaily posts on twitter. 

However, as I was looking at each person, trying to get myself acquainted with each person's face, I noticed that there was one lady who was staring at me. As soon as our eyes met, she quickly looked away as if she had been caught for something she did wrong. 

Weird... I wonder why. Who is she anyway?

After the introductions of Genoive, all of the members of the production team quickly exchanged looks when Genoive clapped his hands three times and shouted, "Chop, Chip, Chirp! Let's get working people! The first magazine issue we need to produce is the magazine issue for the fall season! Make it a fall, special edition everyone! Due date is in 2 weeks and we cannot afford to be lazy! We will all meet up together tomorrow morning, first thing, to discuss and formulate our concept."

With the last boom of his words, each person went to their designated desks and started to brainstorm ideas and jot them down on a notepad to contribute to tomorrow's meeting. 

When Juhee walked around the desks, she found a name plate that had "Belle" engraved in crystal clear glass. It was a simple white table that had a few shelves built-in in the front for her to keep any books, folders, or pens there. 

"Alrightttty~ this is nice" Juhee said as she slightly jumped up and down in her premium cushioned swivel chair.

Without realizing it, Juhee started to spin in her swivel chair and didn't even think about stopping because it had been forever since she had sat in one of those. Her legs swung around and around when suddenly she felt herself stop abruptly with a pang at her feet. 

Juhee stared for a second, shocked about why she stopped when her eyes slowly trailed from her foot up to the leg that was touching her foot... up to the waist of the owner of the leg... up to the neck.. to the pale white skin.. to the silky, platinum silver hair...

"Shoot." Juhee thought when she registered who it was. 

"Ouch?" Said the milky, sweet voice.

Juhee stuttered, not knowing what to say since the person she had hit was none other than Jimin. 

Juhee just kept her lips shut and bowed her head down to apologize over and over and over again. 

"Okay, okay, I forgive you. Now stop it before your head snaps off. You're bowing up and down so quickly" Jimin said with a slight edge of humor. 

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