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{Your POV aka: Song Juhee}

"Lunch is ready!" Jin called out from the kitchen as he walked out with a pan full of the kimchi fried rice.

I was relieved at that moment that Jin brought our lunch out because diverted the attention away from me and Taehyung and my awkward confession (kind of).

Before, Taehyung looked lost in his thoughts as he was staring down at the floor. But once Jin brought out the food and the smell reached his nose, man did that boy's expression totally light up.

Before I knew it, all of us were crowded around the food and started to dig in with our spoons and chopsticks just picking at the meat here and there and eating huge spoonfuls of fried rice.

"Thank you for the food Jin!" We all exclaimed with our mouths full of food.

I was eating monstrously and fast because I had basically starved myself this past weekend. Without Jin, I just cook myself ramen... and a boiled egg. That's the best I can cook.

"Eyyy, so dirty." Yoongi turned to me. His eyes met mine then went down to where my lips are.

Why oh why is he looking at me like that? It makes me feel slightly attracted to his cold gaze.

"Rascal, be more clean when you eat." He said while quickly getting his thumb and wiping the left corner of my mouth.

His touch wasn't the soft type of touch that you would see in the Korean dramas. No, instead, he had the touch of Agust D. The cold hard core rapper who spits fire like none other.

He rubbed the rice off my mouth in one clean and harsh stroke with his thumb.

"There, now eat." He turned his attention back to the bulgogi and dived in for another chunk of some juicy beef.

After having butterflies from when our eyes met, the moment he wiped off the food from my mouth, I lost those butterflies. Instead, the lion in my stomach came back with a growl and made me extremely hungry again.

"Thanks hyung" I said as I got another spoonful of fried rice, making sure to get the whole spoon and heap of rice all the way in my mouth without making a mess.


All of us had finished eating and had cleaned up when it was around 3:00pm. The members were all over the apartment either sleeping or watching movies. They were all exhausted from their tour and were now bumming out hard.

From the corner of the house, I heard Jungkook's laugh piercing through the walls of the living room. Curiously, I went into Jungkook's room where he rooms with Hoseok to find that Jungkook and Jin were on the bed laughing.

"Einsteinium!? What type of element is that? I know potassium, sodium, iodine, but I have never heard of that you idiot!" Jin was grabbing his stomach from laughing to hard.

"No no, it's an element I promise! Ask Taehyung hyung, he is the one who told me." Jungkook said with confidence.

Jin kept laughing as he turned around to see that I was at the door laughing at them.

"Juhee, do you know an element called Einsteinium?"

"Hmmm, I think I heard it once from Taehyung. But I don't think that it's in the periodic table."

Jin turned to face Jungkook in a heartbeat and jokingly yelled, "See? See? Ohhh yeah, once again, the oldest one beats the youngest! I am the brains I tell you!"

Jungkook answered spitefully, "Oh wow, it must be so nice to be so old huh?"

Jin lifted his chin us saying, "Yah it is! It's so nice!"

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