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Jimin's hand interlocked with Juhee's as Jimin led the way in their great escape. Not knowing what else to do than to follow Jimin's footsteps, Juhee braced herself by shutting her eyes and simply letting her feet do all the work.

Juhee could hear the shouting of the guys behind them get quieter at times when the two of them were farther away. However, when Jimin got more tired, he slowed down, making the voice of the guys get louder, and louder, until suddenly,

"Hey! Stop right there, we need to show you punks a lesson!" The main gangster guy called out.

Juhee was still tightly closing her eyes when Jimin turned around to check on her. A soft smile formed on his lips as he looked at the scared face of Juhee, it reminded him of a small kitty and he has a soft spot of animals.

After a second of staring at Juhee, he quickly changed gears in his mind and shouted, "Hey!! Miss Mouse open you eyes, we're gotta act quick. They're catching up!

Juhee opened her eyes finally to see that they were already running outside on the city streets that were on the fight side of the club. In that moment of the escape, she saw the night sky cast a sapphire blue spell over the area, making their escape appear more dramatic. The only sound that they could hear were the sounds of each other's heavy breathing and the sound of their own heart beating from the excitement and suspense.

"Quick, turn here!" Jimin hushed in a forced, loud voice.

At the corner of the towering business building that they worked at, they both speedily ran in the alley beside the building wall, causing them to disappear from the mob chasing after them.

SInce Jimin is not that much taller than Juhee, her head was pushed against his neck with Jimin's left hand putting a gentle force on head. The smell of man perfume and sweat intermingled, giving a charming kind of scent that Juhee was smelling so vividly now that she was facing Jimin's neck. She could even notice his strong-looking veins that protruded tastefully from his neck.

"I think they went that way! Hurry, we need to kick his ass boys!" After a voice that shouted that, the sound of footsteps and huffing got louder as it approached where the two of them were hiding quietly. Instead of halting at where the two of them were, the sounds of the men passed by until there was nothing but the sound of cars and common city life noises.

"I think they're gone." Jimin said as he gave out a sigh. He then gazed downward to find that Juhee eyes met his, causing Juhee to have a rise in her pulse and heartbeat.

{Juhee POV}

My roommate, Jimin, the one who was my best friend, I wanna laugh like the old times but I don't know how when I have to pretend to be someone else and you don't know who I am either.


Juhee was completely lost in her thoughts that she didn't notice that Jimin had been talking to her the entire time while their eyes were still keeping contact.

"And so that's why you shouldn't— are you even listening to me?" Jimin said with a slightly agitated look on his face.

After coming back to her senses, Juhee shook her head to show that she was listening to now. Without realizing, she realized that it was her natural response now to be completely quiet with him. At first she did it because she was afraid that Jimin would notice her voice, but now that she knew that Jimin didn't recognize her, she was still quiet with him since she had started out like that with him that day.

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