What They Say Chapter 3

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*Beep, beep, beep*

“Oh my God, I hate life.”

I smacked my alarm clock’s snooze button and last night came into my mind like a hurricane. I shoved my face into my pillow to muffle my scream and then got up to pee.

Looking into the bathroom mirror, I thought of all of the animals I looked like – pig, raccoon, possum, etc.

“You are just a big ol’ ball of sunshine this morning, aren’t you?” I was speaking to myself.

“You wish” I responded to my reflection.

Amanda popped her head in the door and said that she was heading out for breakfast. I asked her to pick me up an Egg McMuffin and a large French Vanilla coffee.

“Okay. See you in 15.” Then she left. I heard the door slam shut after some shuffling. I was all by myself so I started writing some more of my book.

I opened up my laptop, entered my password, and clicked onto Microsoft word. ‘Accidents Happen’ was big and bright at the top and 30 pages of what I thought was pure genius followed behind. But what did I know.

“A lot. I know a lot” I answered myself again.

“Okay, let’s get crackin’.”

I started to type on the computer and so many things just poured out of my mind and onto the screen. Where it all came from, I had no idea, but I didn’t mind. It was like the movie Limitless with Bradley Cooper. I immediately knew everything I needed to know, when I needed to know it, without a single hitch. I also had no concept of time in my little zone and Amanda was waving her hand with my breakfast in front of my face suddenly. That’s when I realized that I wrote one and a half chapters in 15 minutes and I was amazed by myself.

“So how’s it coming?”

“How’s what coming” I asked as I bit into my McMuffin and sipped my coffee.

“The book thingy” Amanda responded distracted by her food.

“Oh, the book? It’s coming I guess.”

“You guess? When I walked in you were totally zoned out and typing, like, 50 words a second.”

“Yeah, I was on a roll there I guess” I said smiling cheekily.

We laughed and finished our breakfast. I was glad because Amanda hadn’t brought up the last night’s party. That just sucked.

“Hey you never told me what happened with you and Connor last night. JC was texting me and asked where you would be if you were running away from someone you didn’t like and I told him.”

“Yeah, I know. It was a whole big thing. Really long story” I said trying to make it seem really boring and it worked.

“Oh. Okay. As long as you’re alright.”

“Yeah, I’m fine.” I was really good at reassuring Amanda that everything would be alright. I guess it was a trust thing.

So that conversation was over.

We didn’t have work today so we were going to go shopping at the mall. We planned it all out – we were going to go to Rue 21, Journey’s, Charlotte Rousse, and JCPenney’s. Then we would go to Dunkin Donuts for lunch and go where ever after that. It’s what we usually did when we didn’t have work.

Within an hour we both had cleaned up and gotten dressed. I was in black skinny jeans, my new belt, a red and white striped shirt, white vans, and a red and black cardigan. Amanda had her new hoodie on, basic blue skinny jeans, and white converse. I’d say we looked pretty awesome.

“C’mon Tessa, we’re taking your Jeep today. My little Bug is all worn out.”

“Fine” I exhaled. I had a neon orange Jeep Wrangler convertible with a soft top. The only reason I hated driving it was that Amanda always wanted the top down no matter what the weather was like. She liked to stand up when I was driving. I don’t blame her; I mean it’s really fun. But in the middle of the winter last year we had to drive in it because she needed to get some work done on her VW and she made us both get the worst cold and bronchitis.


“Oh my God, I’ve created a monster…”

“Yes. Yes you have. MWAHAHAHAHA!”

“Whatever, let’s go.”

Just then, my phone went off. I looked down and saw the one name I didn’t want to see – Connor Franta. I opened up the text to see what he could possibly want.

Connor Franta: Hey… I want to talk about last night.

Of course he did, I thought. He probably wanted to know why I embarrassed him and what I could do to make it better.

Me: Yeah, what about it?

Here it comes, I thought to myself.

Connor Franta: I’m sorry.

My jaw dropped. He was apologizing?

“What is it, Tessa?” I forgot that Amanda was still there and that we had plans. I was not going to let her drive my Jeep so I had to end the conversation.

Me: Yeah, me too. I have to go. Bye.

Connor Franta: Oh, OK. See ya.

I know it sounded like I really just didn’t want to talk to him, which I didn’t, but we did have to leave and texting while driving is illegal. I didn’t need a ticket and any points on my license right now. I really was sorry. At least I thought I was sorry.

“Okay, let’s go.”


We went to the mall to shop and eat and do what teenagers do at the mall. Those texts were in the back of my mind the whole entire time, though. He actually apologized? I wonder if JC talked to him. Oh well. I was out having fun with my best friend and that’s all that mattered. I’d deal with him later.

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