What They Say Chapter 17

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Tessa’s POV

Currently Connor was on the house phone with one of the boys. I had no clue who had answered since the phone was pressed tightly to his ear. I was keeping my distance from Connor, not because I didn’t like him, but because I still couldn’t believe he kissed me. I was trying to figure it out still, pinching myself every now and then to make sure it wasn’t a dream and every time I winced I knew I was awake.

“Tessa.” Connor pulled me out of my trance and looked towards him. He was already studying my face by the time I turned around.

“Yeah?” I said and it came out sounding more like a question than I intended it to.

“I said can you send Kian a picture of the letter?” He repeated, a deep chuckle punctuating the end of his sentence.

“Yeah.” I said again, this time with more assurance. I whipped my phone out of my back pocket and gently took the letter from Connor’s grasp. I opened it up and snapped a picture of it and texted it to Kian.

“Done.” I told Connor and carefully handed him the letter, quickly stepping back after I was sure he had a firm hold of the thin paper.

“Thanks.” He said quietly and went back to his phone conversation. “Yeah. Tessa just sent a picture to you.” So he was talking to Kian. “Okay dude. Yeah, no problem.” Connor turned to me slightly and said that Kian said thanks before turning away again.”Man, shut up.” Connor mumbled into the phone getting quieter and quieter until he was barely talking. He was almost whispering and rubbing the back of his neck in an annoyed yet guilty way and I figured they were talking about guy stuff so I let it drop. But part of me was still curious just like any girl would be.

Connor was still debating something with Kian and I was getting hungry so I traipsed through the decently sized home until I finally came to the dormant kitchen. The only sound I could hear was the humming refrigerator that I was walking towards and opened up once I reached it. Juice, milk, Chinese leftovers, and guacamole were all I could see in the clean, white fridge. I grabbed the Chinese food container and opened it up. Sweet and sour chicken starred back at me as I smiled at the food I was about to devour. I opened up the cabinets one by one looking for a small plate to microwave the poultry on and finally found what I was looking for. I turned around after dumping my meal onto the dish and scanned the room for the microwave. Spotting it, I sauntered over and popped my food inside for 45 seconds. Patiently waiting for the quiet beeps to go off, I felt a presence behind me.

Connor’s breath lingered on my neck as he bent down and whispered in ear.

“Stealing my food, are we?” His words sent tingles down my back and I turned around to meet his eyes. Man, those eyes.

“I guess so.” I said quite confidently even though I was a little uncomfortable with the close range of our faces.

He just stood there looking at me with hint of a smirk playing on his lips and only five centimeters between our faces. What was up with him now? Maybe it was something Kian said to him. Wait. If Kian had in fact said something to Connor to make him do this then that would mean they were talking about me… THAT JERK!

The microwave beeped softly behind me, interrupting my thoughts. I squinted my eyes at Connor and didn’t break contact while he reached behind me and popped open the microwave, causing it to hit me in the back.

“Ow!” I shrieked and turned from him, but he stayed there, his hands glued to the countertop on either side of me while I tried shifting around in the small space. Well this was annoying.

“So what did Kian have to say?” I asked suddenly and Connor’s face changed automatically.

“Nothing much.” He said and regained his composure. Then he stole a piece of chicken out of my bowl and I shoved him, successfully, away from my body.

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