What They Say Chapter 9

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Amanda’s POV

We were on break and Tessa was texting Connor. She hadn’t stopped talking to him ever since they made up on their movie night and it was kind of annoying. Normally, we would be doing everything together. But now she had Connor back and we weren’t hanging out as much. But then again, I didn’t mind much because that meant more time for me and JC to be together and talk and stuff.

Ever since the night we spent on the couch, we were talking a lot more too, which was good. We were actually texting right then too.

JC <3: We should do something tonight… and tomorrow.

Me: Why tomorrow too?

JC <3: Tessa didn’t tell you? Her and Connor are going out.

Wait. They were going out? As in dating? Why didn’t Tessa tell me?

Me: So that means they’re like dating?

JC <3: I don’t know… Connor says they aren’t so I guess they’re just going out as friends.

Me: Oh… oky doky then

I was going to ask Tessa about it but when I looked up, she was gone. In fact, everyone that had break was gone. Crap! We had to go back to work and no one told me! I quickly said good-bye to JC and got back to work.

Through the rest of work, I was wondering why Tessa never told me about her and Connor. Maybe it was because I slapped her. Yeah, I probably shouldn’t have done that. But she slapped me back and we laughed… hmmm. Just then, I looked up to see Tessa talking to a customer and the customer speed-walking away. That was weird. Oh well.

I went back to work, fixing up the shelves, and hummed the song Change Your Life by Little Mix to myself. I loved Perry’s high note in that song and could almost do it but my favorite member was Jade. She was so adorable and could sing really well.

After work was over, Tessa and I went out to the parking lot and got into her neon orange Jeep that I loved so much. It was really fun to just let the top down and have your hair fly everywhere, even if it was winter. I wanted to ask her about Connor but what if there was a reason that she didn’t tell me about it? I decided to bring it up later and just let it go for now. I just wanted to sit back and enjoy the ride. Literally. Plus I was planning where to go with JC today and tomorrow. Maybe we could go to a movie tonight and dinner tomorrow? I didn’t know but I could just text JC about it later.

We made it to the apartment building and went inside. Going up the elevator, I thought about how I would ask Tessa about her and Connor.

“I’m going out with Connor tomorrow.” She said it so suddenly and straight faced. I didn’t know if I was talking out loud or not when I was thinking.

“What?” I asked, still surprised that Tessa had said anything.

“Connor invited me to the circus. So I said yes. The boys only have five days left in Boston and I don’t know if we can afford the plane fare and tickets to the New York City show.” Tessa turned and faced me now. Her lips were still pressed in a flat line but her eyes were bigger than normal and she raised her eyebrows slightly.

“Oh.” That was all I could say. The doors dinged open and we stepped out of the small, moving box. I was about to ask her why she didn’t invite me and JC and when she started liking the circus when she spoke again.

“I still don’t really like the circus but, you know, it’s Connor and I would’ve invited you and JC but he just wanted me there with him.” Was she a psychic or something?           

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