What They Say Chapter 7

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I woke up in my jeans and shirt that I had put on in the morning. The events of the night before and the morning flooded into my mind, causing a smile to creep up onto my face. I looked up at my Ironman clock and discovered that it was 3:45 in the afternoon and I slept almost seven hours since I had gotten home at around ten that morning. Then I also remembered that JC had slept over and he and Amanda were curled up on the couch when I entered the apartment. I wondered if he was still at our place and got up to check the living room.

Walking down the hallway, I saw my reflection through the open bathroom door in the mirror. My hair looked really messy so I took it out of its ponytail, ran my fingers through it, and put it into a tight bun. Continuing my journey to the living room, I heard Amanda speaking although whether she was on the phone or not was undetermined. I listened to figure it out.

“Yeah, well you started it. Plus how am I supposed to say no when you just come on in and sit down on the couch and tell me you want to sit next to me?” There was a pause and then she spoke again. “Yes I know about peer pressure. And I down really have that many ‘peers’ so it doesn’t really affect me.”

I knew she was on the phone and I was guessing it was with JC because he was the only one that had come to our place in a long time. She was right, neither of us had a lot friends or ‘peers’—just enough so we didn’t seem like losers—so peer pressure didn’t affect us that much.

I walked up to the couch and plopped down and looked at Amanda. She waved and mouthed Hey at me. I waved backed and made sure I looked like I hadn’t been eavesdropping on her phone conversation.

“Okay, fine, you win. Listen, I gotta go.” A pause. “Because I do. So I’ll see ya later?” Another quick pause. “’Kay bye.” She smiled and hung up the phone setting it down on the counter.

“So who was that?” I asked her thinking I knew the answer.

“It was Frankie from work. I was asking her about something. Hypothetically, of course. It was about JC.”

“About the whole sleeping on the couch huddled up together?”

Her jaw dropped a little bit. She struggled to find words to say to me in response.

“Did I tell you that I saw you guys sleeping when I came in this morning? No? Oh, well now I did.” I smiled as I saw her face go from shock to annoyance when I spoke. Of course I was being cheeky, she thought she could hide a secret from me? Puh-lease.

“Whatever… wait. Did we look cute like that? Do you think we make a good couple?” She was desperately trying to get my opinion of them together. I just sat back on the couch and watched her with a playful smirk on my face.

Finally I answered with a head nod and she started jumping up and down. “Whoa, dude. Calm down.” I said as she jumped for joy and I watched with the same smirk playing on my lips.

“NEVER!” She was shouting to the ceiling. The people under us were hitting the floor below us with a broom to tell us that Amanda was being too loud.

“We have any food?” I had just realized then that I had only eaten at Starbucks seven hours ago and that was it. And one muffin and coffee was not enough food for me.

“I don’t know. Check.”

“But you’re closer.” I complained to Amanda as she stood in the kitchen with a goofy little grin on her face.

“But you’re the hungry one.” She pointed out.

“But I don’t have any energy. At all. Seriously.”

“But I just wasted all of my energy jumping up and down.”

“But that’s not my problem.”  

“And you being hungry isn’t my problem.”

“Fine.” I got up and dragged myself over to the fridge. “Jerk.” I mumbled as I peered into the humming ice box.

“I heard that!”

"Congrats, you have ears." I said back as she left the room and went into her bedroom. I heard her shut her door and then squeal one more time gleefully.

There was no food in the fridge so I moved around our small kitchen, looking into the cabinets and deciding on chips. I sauntered over to the sofa again and opened my laptop, logging onto Tumblr. Well this was eventful. I had a flashback on the near past occurrences and soon realized that 1) I was out of chips, 2) It was almost eleven, and 3) I was really tired. I shut off my computer and headed to bed, actually changing this time before falling into a deep slumber. I had work in the morning and couldn’t afford to be late.

Just a filler chapter but I hope you like it still :) Don't forget to comment if you think I should fix and/or add something to the story. :)

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