What They Say Chapter 6

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Tessa’s POV

We had been driving down the road to a small, family owned video store for five minutes. I was checking my Instagram and saw a picture that Connor posted of himself. It said he put it up 15 minutes ago and he was wearing all the clothes he had on now.

“Did you take a selfie and post it before you left to get me?” Wow… I already knew that the answer was yes but I had to ask him just to see what he said.

“Maybe…” He smiled and pushed up his sunglasses.

“Oh my gosh, you are so weird.” I laughed at him and liked the picture before scrolling down further.

“Did you just like that picture?” He was glancing at me. I was guessing that his phone was on vibrate and he felt the vibrate from the Instagram notification.

“Maybe…” I mimicked his answer to my question just a minute before and looked out of the window. I saw that it was starting to rain and just smiled. Then I remembered the party and stopped smiling. I couldn’t stop thinking about that for some reason.

Connor must’ve noticed because he asked if I was okay. “Yeah. I’m fine.” I just noticed that a tear had rolled down my cheek without me noticing and swiped it away quickly before turning to face forward. “So what movies are you planning on getting?” We pulled into the movie place just as I asked the question.

Connor’s POV

“Hey, are you okay?” Tessa was just staring out the window at the rain trickling down the glass.

“Yeah. I’m fine.”

She was speaking thickly and I didn’t believe her. She wiped her face and turned to face the windshield.

“So what movies are you planning on getting?” We were pulling into the video store as she asked me the question.

“I don’t know… Have you ever seen Cloverfield?” I had parked and was looking at her now. It was that weird half turn kind of thing where neither of us had unbuckled our seatbelts and were hung up on our seat belts.

“Only a million times” she exclaimed. Her eyes widened and were bright under the rainy Boston sky. “That’s like, my favorite movie of all times!”

“Well then we need to get that.”

“Definitely. What about Breakfast at Tiffany’s?” When she said that it immediately reminded me of the song Breakfast at Tiffany’s by Deep Blue Something and I started to belt out the chorus hearing Tessa sing along with me.

“And I said, what about, Breakfast at Tiffany’s! She said, I think, I remember the film! As I recall, I think, we both kinda liked it! Then I said, well that’s, one thing we got!”

“Wow. That was something different.” She was laughing and so was I. We agreed that we needed to get Breakfast at Tiffany’s just because of the song and the fact that we hadn’t seen it.

Finally, we unbuckled and went into the store. I went to find Cloverfield and she went off to find Breakfast at Tiffany’s in the ‘B’ section. We met up in the candy aisle and I picked up cotton candy for the both us saying that we already had popcorn at the hotel. I’d made sure to get plenty because, if I remembered correctly, we usually ended up throwing it at each other. After we paid the cashier, who seemed ancient and moved in slow motion, Tessa asked me if we could stop at the super market and of course I said yes.

“Thanks. I need to grab a few things to drink. I know you have lots of Arizona but I need to get something else.”

"Yeah, sure, no problem.” I said. What’s wrong with Arizona?

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