What They Say Chapter 12

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Amanda’s POV

There was a loud thud followed by a drawn out groan that woke me up in the morning. I opened my eyes to see JC lying on the ground across the dark room. I was hoping that it was all a dream, being abducted, but when I saw the grey concrete walls in the square room I knew it was reality.

I hit the ground to get his attention. He whipped his head around to look at me and I raised my eyebrows and widened my eyes as if to say ‘What are you doing?’ and he opened his mouth to talk. I dragged my finger along my neck to remind him that we weren’t allowed to speak or else Connor and Tessa would be in trouble.

“No. It’s okay. They came in while you were sleeping and told me we could talk.” He said. When he talked I closed my eyes because I thought they were going to hear us and kill us or something.

I didn’t respond to him, just nodded my head and opened my eyes back up. Then I remembered that I had a pen in my back pocket and started to scribble on my hand.

“Are you sure?” He read my hand aloud. “Yes. He told me it was fine. I promise.” He looked up from my hand and our eyes met. I started to write again.

“What do you mean you don’t believe it?” He asked me with questioning eyes.

I wrote back to him.

“Amanda, look. I’m talking and nothing is happening. C’mon, just talk to me.” He was pleading with me now. I didn’t trust the man. What if he just meant that JC was allowed to talk and not me? I flipped my hand over and started to write on the back of it. I asked him how he could be so sure.

“Amanda. You can trust me.” His voice got quiet. It was almost a whisper but it wasn’t. “Just say something to me. Whisper it into my ear.”

I leaned over to one of his gauged ears and whispered to him. “I love you.” I said it almost inaudibly. I was afraid the man would hear me.

He embraced me with his dirty arms and we just sat there in the middle of the grey, cement prison.


I was hitting the big metal door on the left wall of the room, trying to get out. The man, who had threatened us not to talk before, came back earlier and told me that we were allowed to speak again. I had to tell Amanda that when she woke up.

I thought that I could break the pad lock on the door if I kept hitting and kicking it. Finally, I gave up and just fell back onto the floor with a large thud and groaned—half in frustration and half in pain. I’d been trying for a long time.

When I fell backwards, Amanda woke up and starred at me with huge eyes and raised eyebrows as if to ask me what I was doing. I opened my mouth to tell her but she just ran her pointer finger along the base of her neck to warn me not to.

“No. It’s okay. They came in while you were sleeping and told me we could talk.” I told her. She had a weird expression on her face like she didn’t believe me. Then she whipped a pen out of her back pocket and started to write on the palm of her hand. She showed me it and I read it out loud.

“Are you sure?” I read. “Yes. He told me it was fine. I promise.” I looked up from her hand to her eyes. She started to scribble words on her hand again.

‘I don’t believe that.’ That’s what she wrote down.

“What do you mean you don’t believe it?” I asked her. I didn’t know why she wouldn’t believe me.

There was no more room on her palm so she turned her hand over and wrote on the back of her hand. She showed me what it said. She said that she thought something bad was going to to happen.

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