What They Say Chapter 22

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Tessa’s POV

I was moving. Why was I moving? Last thing I knew, I was in Connor’s bed sleeping. Connor’s bed didn’t move the last time I checked.

“Hey, can you take 5th street instead? We’re kind of in a rush.” That was Connor’s voice. It came from in front of me and I smiled once I heard it, remembering the events of yesterday. Or maybe it was earlier today? I still hadn’t opened up my eyes to see where I had been and what time of day it was.

“Yeah, sure, but it’ll cost you an extra five bucks ‘cause you aren’t the driver, I am.” It was a lady with a thick foreign accent that I couldn’t place. A taxi driver maybe?

My eyes flickered open to a window facing out into the night sky. I was lying down in the back seat of a taxi and Connor was in the front passenger seat and there was a lady taxi driver sitting next to him focusing on the road.

“Hey, Connor? Where are we?” I didn’t sit up, just tilted my head to look at him.

“Well would you look at that. Sleepy Beauty finally woke up and it only took a dozen kisses and half of a car ride.” He winked at me and smiled in the moonlight.

“What?!” I jolted upwards at his words, now fully awake.

“Yeah, I tried the kissing thing first but you never woke up and when I got tired of making a move without a response I just opted to take you for a ride.” His voice was as serious as his facial expression.

“You’re joking right?” I didn’t know if I could believe him. My eyes bulged out of their sockets just a little in the dark of the night.

“I don’t know, am I?” He smirked at me and the taxi driver lady snorted in her seat.

“You shut up.” I pointed to the cab driver before focusing my attention back on Connor. “This isn’t funny Connor. Come on, just tell me that you’re joking already.” I was begging him now. I wasn’t laughing at all while the driver tried her hardest to stifle another short chuckle but epically failed.

“Indy here thinks it’s hilarious.” He motioned towards the lady driving now known to me as Indy and chuckled lightly.

“I swear if you don’t tell me the truth, the full truth, and nothing but the truth right now I will never talk to you ever again.” Of course I was bluffing, but I hoped that in the dark of the moving cab at night he wouldn’t be able to tell.

“Fine, fine, you drive a hard bargain but I’ll tell you the truth, the full truth, and nothing but the truth.” He raised his right hand and placed it on his chest over his heart. “I did not kiss you a dozen times while you were asleep.”

“Thank you.”

“Just once.” He said it quickly and quietly like he didn’t want me to hear it but I did.

“Just once?” I repeated his words but phrased them into a question.

“Sorry?” He smiled at me and I felt two things – creeped out and charmed.

“Yeah, yeah. It’s whatever.” I smiled at him and Indy cleared her throat.

“May I just say that one; you may be the best girlfriend ever, and two; he kissed your head getting you into my car so I don’t even think it counts.” I blushed at her words and that creeped out feeling fell away.

“We, uh, we’re not actually boyfriend and girlfriend yet.” I blushed even harder at my own words and thanked the heavens that it was night and we were still moving.

“Well you wouldn’t know that by the way this one talks about you.” She shoved a thumb in Connor’s direction as she talked. “He just went on and on about how your perfect date went yesterday and about how-”

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