What They Say Chapter 8

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“Tessa we’re taking your Jeep today. Okay? Okay.” Amanda was talking to me as we rode the elevator down ten stories to the lobby.

“We’re what?” I asked.

“We’re taking the Jeep. I don’t feel like driving. You have your keys, right?” She was looking at me now.

“Yeah. I think I do-”

“Good.” She cut me off. Why was she so jumpy? It could’ve been nothing, she was Amanda after all. I decided to let the matter drop.

The elevator stopped and the doors dinged and slid open with ease. We stepped out and walked through the lobby, out of the doors, and down the front steps to where my big, bright, orange Jeep was, glistening under the Boston sun. We got in and I started the engine with a roar.

“You need to clean this thing, Tessa. It’s gross in here.” Amanda was brushing a couple of fast food wrappers off of the passenger seat with a disgusted face on.

“Maybe you should drive your car more often so you don’t have to clean off my seat.” I retorted. I just realized then that I was being pretty witchy too. Maybe today was the day that we got to be extra rude to each other. I don’t know like a National Witchy Day.

 “Well then.” She said, swiping the last of the garbage into the back and stepping in.

“Sorry. I guess I’m tired or something.”

“It’s understandable. I was up all night.”

We drove to work in a deafening silence. I thought it was just because there was nothing to talk about but when I looked over at Amanda after arriving at work, I saw that she had fallen asleep during the drive. She really was tired.

I woke Amanda up and she slapped me because she didn’t know where she was. I slapped her back and we laughed. We walked into work red faced and hysterically laughing. I’m going to make this a good day I said to myself.


Connor :P: Well, we only have like 5 days left. You should just come with me. It’ll be super duper fun :)

 I was texting Connor during break. There was a circus coming to town and he was trying to get me to come. I was never one for the circus, mainly because they picked people out of the crowd sometimes and I was not one of those volunteering people. I thought about it for a while. He did have a point, he only had five days left here in Boston and then he had to go New York City where I may or may not go to the Digitour with Amanda. Finally I made a choice and texted him back.

Me: Fine I’ll go. But only because you have 5 days left and I don’t know if I’m going to NYC for the tour.

Connor :P: YEEESSSSSS!!!

Me: Lol but I’m not volunteering to be part of the show. You can and I’ll take pics of you and post them.

Connor :P: KK Whatever you say boss. Lol

Me: K I gotta go back to work so I’ll text you later?

Connor :P: Yeah. Bye!

The rest of the day, I was waiting to get out of work so I could text Connor. The circus was tomorrow and I wanted to go alone with Connor but then again, I didn’t. I would ask Connor if Amanda and JC could come, but I didn’t know if they wanted to. And I didn’t want to ask Amanda because she might want to come with JC but Connor might not want them there. It was weird. I figured that I would ask Connor first if we could just invite them and if he said no then that was okay.

Then end of the day came and I was thinking of a way to ask Connor without seeming like I didn’t want to spend time with him. I even asked a customer what they thought but they just gave me a weird face and walked away from me pretty quickly. I got out my phone and tapped the text message icon. I typed Connor’s name into the “Send To” box and hit “Ok”. Then I wrote my message.

 Me: Hey so I’m out of work and I was wondering if Amanda and JC could come. They don’t have to if you don’t want them to but I was just thinking we could all go as

I almost wrote “a double date” when I stopped myself. This wasn’t a date. Not even close. Just two—possibly four— friends going to the circus. I erased the word “as” and filled the space with “together”. Then I sent it, eagerly awaiting his response. My phone buzzed in my hand after a minute and I opened the text from Connor.

Connor :P: Well I was kinda hoping we could just go. Ya know. Like to have some fun before I go. Just the two of us. But if you want them to… I guess they could…

Now he was making me feel bad. I was just over thinking it. We were friends and that was it. Nothing more, nothing less.

Me: No, we don’t have to. We can just go, it’s ok :)

Connor :P: Cool thanks J so it’s coming to town tomorrow. Do you want me to pick you up, or did you want to drive over to the hotel?

Me: Ummm… I’ll pick you up. What time?

Connor :P: OK well it starts at 630 so you wanna get me at 545 so we can get good seats and food?

Me: Sounds good. See you then! Bye!

Connor :P: Great, I’ll see ya!

Well that was easier than I thought it would be. Now I just had to make sure I didn’t forget to get him tomorrow and to clean out at least part of my Jeep. I knew he wouldn’t mind the mess but I did. I hated it when people thought I was a slob because in reality, I wasn’t all that sloppy. I just didn’t like to get the food wrappers out of my Jeep because I got lazy. Well now I had to get un-lazy because Connor and I were going to the circus tomorrow.

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