What They Say Chapter 13

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Tessa’s POV

I Miss You by Blink 182 was playing on my Pandora. I was deleting my book. It sucked. Connor had told me that Sam, Ricky, Kian, and Trevor were coming over to help get started on the search for JC and Amanda and I couldn’t focus on anything so I went to my laptop. I had written of 20 chapters and I hated it all so down the drain it went.

“What’s that?” Connor asked me while I was forever hitting the backspace button, trying to waste time.

“Nothing. Well now it’s nothing.” I said back to him.

“Okay so what did it used to be?” He asked again, this time correcting himself.

“It was just something I was writing. It sucked, though, so I’m deleting it.”

“Can I read what’s left?” He pointed to the screen of the MacBook sitting on my lap.

“Are you sure you want to? It’s pretty bad.” I said, now looking up at him. He was standing behind the couch looking down at me and leaning over the back.

“Yeah, sure. How bad could it possibly be?” He shrugged his shoulders.

“Okay, suit yourself.” I handed over the laptop and watched as he scrolled to the top of the page and walked around the couch to sit and read.

Ten minutes after Connor started to read, I heard a knock at the door. I went over and looked through the peephole. The rest of the O2L boys had arrived so I let them into the apartment. None of them had their usually perky and unique faces on. Instead each one was replaced with the same, depressed, worried expression.

            “Hey guys.” I greeted them and let them in. They came in single file, starting with Sam, then Kian, Ricky, and lastly Trevor came in, looking the most distraught.

“Hi.” Connor stood up and put my Pandora on silent. Kian turned to him.

“Hey, did it just occur to you that you should tell us what’s happening?” Kian asked Connor, raising his voice.

“Look, I’m so-”

“No, you’re not sorry. You can’t keep this stuff to yourself! You aren’t the only one who cares about JC you know.” Kian cut him off. He was full out yelling at Connor now. He was stepping towards Connor when I stepped in.

“Kian, stop it. We just saw it yesterday and freaked out. No one really thought ‘Oh hey, why don’t I call some friends’. We were worried and upset just like you are now. Both of us wanted to tell you guys when we were in the right state of mind. So chill, okay?” Now I was in his face yelling. Connor peeled me away from him and Sam, Ricky, and Trevor just watched the showdown.

“I don’t even know you.” He said to me suddenly. He blinked and tilted his head to the right the slightest bit, sort of like a dog when you talk to them.

“What?” I asked him, stunned by what he just said and how random it was.

“You. I don’t know who you are. Well, I mean I know your name but I don’t know you.”

“Oh.” I blinked at him and got free from Connor’s grasp. “I’m Amanda’s roommate and best friend.” I stuck out my hand for him to shake.

“Hey.” Kian said, grabbing hold of my hand and shaking it firmly as if the spat just before never even happened.

“Hi.” I said back to him.

Kian’s POV

“Kian, stop it.” I was assuming this was Tessa. She stepped in front of me right before I could get to Connor. “We just saw it yesterday and freaked out. No one really thought ‘Oh hey, why don’t I call some friends’. We were worried and upset just like you are now. Both of us wanted to tell you guys when we were in the right state of mind. So chill, okay?” She was all up in my face and yelling. I saw Sam, Ricky, and Trevor just standing there watching what was happening.

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