What They Say Chapter 14

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Tessa’s POV

“It’s settled then. I’m going to California.” Connor said and turned to me. I knew exactly what he was going to say next. “And I want a tag-along.”

“Connor I’ll just be in the way if I go with you. You can’t take me.” I refused.

“I’m gonna go pack your bag for you then. We have to hurry. Ricky, check the flights. Tell me the cheapest and quickest one to L.A. and when it takes off. We can’t be late. You can use Tessa’s laptop.”

“What? You are not going into my room and going through my stuff.” I pointed at Connor. “And Ricky, use your phone. Do not touch my laptop. If you do, I will kill you right here, right now.” I turned around and gave Ricky a cold, hard stare.

“Okay…” Ricky said with a little bit of a scared tone in his voice. He whipped out his phone and turned it on. “I’ll just use my phone then.” He showed me his phone innocently. I nodded my head at him.

“If you don’t want me going through your room then go pack your bag yourself. Just the necessities. Tooth brush, hair brush, a shirt, pants, and whatever girls need.” Connor said to me. He could be a real tyrant when he wanted to be and I hated that side of him.

“Connor just go alone.” I was raising my voice at him. I really didn’t want to go. Not under these circumstances.

"No.” He said like a stubborn two year old.

“Why not?” I asked him, tilting my head to one side. I crossed my arms over my chest and waited for his answer.

He stalled for a second, playing with the hem of his floral shirt. Then he adjusted his maroon beanie and looked at me, raising his eyebrows. That showed off the dent above his right eye and made three creases across his forehead. “Because I’m older than you.” He said. That was all he could come up with? Really?

“You are also older than everyone else in the room.” I pointed out to him. “They don’t want to go either. But you aren’t pushing them to go with you. Just me.” It was the truth; Connor was the oldest one in the room.

“Just come on, Tessa.” He said in a tired out voice. “Stop fighting with me and let’s go.” He flailed his arms in exhaust and exchanged his hard stare for a pleading one.

“Fine, I’ll go with you.” I said after a minute or two of looking at Connor. He smiled at me and then I went past him, into my room to pack what I needed.

“Thank you!” Connor shouted to me once I was in my room.

“Yeah, yeah, whatever.” I shouted back to him.

I pulled out my blue rolling suitcase and grabbed random clothes, bringing an extra outfit just in case we were there longer than expected. I threw in some toothpaste, my toothbrush, my hairbrush, a bottle of body spray, a second pair of sneakers, a couple extra dollars, and my iPod charger. I emerged from my room ten minutes later.

“So it boards in an hour?” Connor was saying.

“Yeah. And I googled how far the airport is from here and you guys can make it if you leave in the next ten minutes. It takes half an hour to get there.” Ricky responded with his lisp, looking down at his phone periodically to make sure his information was correct. This was literally a life or death situation.

“I know a shortcut to the airport.” I said. Connor jumped and turned around to look at me.

“God, you scared me. So can you drive us there?” He asked clutching his chest.

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