What They Say Chapter 1

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“Oh my gosh Tessa, did you hear? The Digitour is coming to town! We should get tickets!” Amanda, my best friend, was shouting at me through the phone. We had wanted to go to the Digitour for a while and we never had any money until this year when we got jobs at Spencer’s.

“Yeah, totally! We can get them tonight. Just come straight back to the apartment when we get off of work. Wait for me ‘cause I gotta stop at McDanks for some shakes.”

“Will do. I’m so EXCITED!!” Amanda was squealing into the phone so I just laughed and said goodbye.

I was at work and Amanda was coming in in an hour or so. We lived together, worked together, and did everything else together too. While I stacked hats and straightened up ‘Adventure Time’ belts, I thought about our upcoming trip. We were finally going to the Digitour! I would get to meet all of O2L and reunite with Connor. He wasn't completely the same from what I could tell watching his videos. He was a swimmer and thinner and more hipster-ish. He certainly wasn’t all mine anymore and I couldn’t wait for us to meet up again.


Garfield was on mute and Pandora was playing so loud. Celebration was in order because we got the last two VIP passes for the Digitour in Boston. We were dancing and jumping and singing at the top of our lungs, only taking breaks to sip from our Shamrock Shakes from McDonald’s. Our shirts were baggy and bouncing every time we jumped into the air. The floor thumped when we hit the ground and we didn’t care what the people in the apartment under us said about it. We were going to meet O2L! I was going to hang out with Connor again! Amanda was finally going to meet JC Caylen! In a few weeks everything would be so perfect.

After the celebration was over, Amanda and I went to sleep so we could make it to work the next day. I couldn’t sleep so I started to write a book. I had been thinking about it for a long time so I figured why not start now. You know what they say, restlessness is discontent and discontent is needed for progress.

I typed the title onto the screen at least five times and decided on ‘Accidents happen’. It would be about a girl who accidently gets herself into a relationship and thinks that she has to get out of it but realizes that she actually likes the guy. Cliché but still good. At least I thought so.


I woke up on my laptop keyboard. It was shut off and there was drool on the buttons. I picked my head up and turned around to look at the clock that read 9:30 am. I had fallen asleep writing my book. Plugging in the computer to charge it, I went to see how far along I got on my writing and noticed at least three pages with nothing but the letter ‘j’ typed on it. When I scrolled through that, I found that I was in the middle of the seventh chapter. I must’ve fallen asleep around 5:30. Wait… Amanda and I had to work at 10:30! That means she wasn’t awake yet. Ugh, I hate waking her up.

I tip-toed into Amanda’s room and shook her shoulder and told her to wake up. Eventually she got up and we made it to work with a minute to spare. On the way there, on our break, and on the way home we talked about – more like obsessed over – the Digitour and what were going to say to the boys. Only one week until we met them.


We were riding in Amanda’s green Volkswagen Punch Bug on our way to go meet O2L. We were singing at the top of our lungs to What Makes You Beautiful by One Direction. I wasn’t a huge fan of their singing but they were cute so I listened to their music. Amanda, on the other hand, was obsessed with them. Especially Liam for some reason. I liked Harry because he was cute.

“This is the part where we na-na-na-na! My favorite part is the naa-na! You’ll wake up at night screamin’ na-na-na-na! My grandma’s nickname is naa-na!” We burst out the parody of the bridge and then were quiet when Harry sung “Baby you light up my world like nobody else. The way that you flip your hair gets me overwhelmed. But when you smile at the ground it ain’t hard to tell. You don’t know, oh oh! YOU DON’T KNOW YOU’RE BEAUTIFUL!”

We were so off pitch and I’m pretty sure the people in the next car over thought we were idiots but we didn’t care. We were so excited to be going to the Digitour and with VIP passes too! It was going to be the best day ever and nothing could change that.

We arrived at the concert hall half an hour early and found surprisingly great seats right up front. I went to get some food and saw the O2L boys walking around behind some body guards. Girls were screaming and someone fainted like it was a Beatles concert when all of them were alive. I grabbed pop tarts for me and cheese pizza for Amanda at the concessions stand and headed back to our seats. I still couldn’t believe that out of all of the people there, none of them had sat right there in the front.

Amanda and I ate our food and then the boys came out. It was dark in the crowd and the applause and screaming were deafening. People threw things out onto the stage and one girl threw her shirt up there. We were going crazy too but not that much because we were going to meet them and didn’t want to seem insane.


Walking backstage was weird. We were the only composed ones in the whole group and we figured out that the chick who threw her shirt was one of the people in the VIP group. We were guided to their dressing rooms when I immediately started to search for Connor. I went to the room marked “Franta” leading a pack of eager girls. After I knocked, I stood there patiently while everyone else was jumping and screeching.

“Hello girls” Connor said as he opened the door.

“Hey there” I said calmly in response.

“Tessa? Oh my gosh! Is that really you?!”

“So you remember me after all this time I see” I laughed and we hugged for a little while.

“Of course I do!” He exclaimed over the screaming. I felt his chest vibrate as he laughed and we hugged for a little while longer. “Hey listen” he started as the embrace ended “why don’t you come with me to a party tomorrow night?”

“Oh, I don’t know. A party? I’m still not into people, Connor.”

“Please?” He used the puppy dog eyes like he used to when we were kids and I caved. He still knew me.

“Fine, I’ll go.”

After that, I gave him my number and address so he could pick me up and we could stay in touch. I strolled over to Amanda at JC’s door and she had a smile so wide I thought she was the Joker.

“JC and I just traded numbers!”

“No way! Score for Amanda!”

“Ha ha! So how did it go with Connor?"

“I’m going to a party with him tomorrow night, so we swapped numbers and he now can stalk us because he knows where we live.”

“Coolio. I’d love to get stalked by any member of O2L.”

We laughed and finished the meet and greet with the boys and left with some pretty cool new merchandise that wasn’t on districtlines.com yet. I got a belt, a Connor Franta beanie, a signed ‘Internet Kids Never Sleep’ poster, and a new t-shirt with all of their names on it signed by each one. Amanda walked out with a Kian Lawley shirt, a signed ‘Good Vibes’ poster, a new ‘Stay Cloudy’ hoodie, and ‘Stay Cloudy’ bracelets.

Going home, we stopped at McDonald’s for burgers, fries, and shakes. I drove so Amanda could tweet about the Digitour and I thought about the party tomorrow night.

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