What They Say Chapter 16

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Tessa’s POV

The clear glass marble rolled across Connor’s desktop. I was sitting down in his computer chair, looking through the drawers, and shuffling the papers around. He was sitting on his bed going through Kian, JC, and Ricky’s fan letters that were in their rooms. Connor compared all of the letters from the past two months to the picture of the window that he had on his phone.

“Did you find anything yet?” He asked me, resting on his pillow that read in big capital letters ‘I am not a morning person’.

“Not yet. But I’m almost done with reading all of yours so I have to be close.” I replied, looking back at him.

“Yeah. I’m almost done with Kian’s pile but he’s a little unorganized so I’m not sure he even has all of his.” Connor laughed after he said that. It was the first time he had laughed in a long time. The whole plane ride here I was wide awake while Connor slept peacefully. He snored quietly the way my old cat, Sheila, used to (I wanted to take her with me when I moved but my apartment building didn’t allow it). I was awake the whole time, in fact I hadn’t slept in over a day I was starting to feel it.

"Ugh, there isn’t any point in this Connor.” I yawned, frustrated. I was tired and had three letters left in Connor’s drawer.

“Don’t say that. C’mon, how many letters do you have to go?” He asked

“Three.” I said looking down at the three sad pieces of scrap on the bottom of the desk drawer. I picked them up and plopped them on top of his keyboard.

“That means that one of them has to be it, okay? So just open them up and keep going.” He looked at me and then looked back down at the mess of papers in front of him.

"Fine.” My eyes were half open and I yawned once more before uncreasing the lined paper neatly folded on the desk. My eyes widened in disbelief of what I saw.

“Tessa! I got the letter! I found it!” Connor jumped out of bed and ran towards me.

“This chick is really obsessed with you.” I said. The note I read had some very… explicit things in it. Then it hit me. Connor found the letter!

“What?” Connor asked me. “What do you me-”

“You found it!?” I jumped up and screamed at him.

“Yeah, I got it. It was in JC’s pile. It was the first one.”

I looked up at him with tears in my eyes and flew into his arms. He fell back onto his bed from the shock and I landed on top of him. Staring straight into my eyes, he leaned forward and kissed me and before I knew what was happening, I kissed him back.

It felt weird. But it was that good kind of weird where you still want it to happen even though you know it shouldn't. Then I realized I shouldn't be doing that. So I ended the kiss.

“Whoa…” I said after I pulled back. That was totally unexpected.

“Oh… I’m sorry. Should I not have done that?” He asked me. His eyes were cloudy and I couldn’t read his feelings.

“No. I mean yes. I mean—I don’t know…” I trailed off, still quite confused and frazzled. Then I realized that I was still lying on top of Connor and quickly jumped off of him.

“Oh… okay then. Um, well so I found the letter.” He said again and waved it at me. He sat up now and didn’t look directly at me. His cheeks were red and he looked like he was wearing make-up. But I couldn’t judge because I felt my face heat up and my lips felt like I had just eaten a jalapeño pepper.

“Oh, yeah, the letter.” I sat back down on the bed and we studied it before we reported back to Boston.

Connor’s POV

“Tessa! I got the letter! I found it!” I jumped out of bed, holding the first letter from JC’s pile.

“This chick is really obsessed with you.” Tessa said randomly. I had guessed that she didn’t hear me but I really wanted to know what she was talking about.

“What? What do you me-”

“You found it!?” Tessa cut me off mid-sentence. She jumped up from the computer chair and looked at me with wide and eager eyes.

“Yeah, I got it. It was in JC’s pile. It was the first one.” I answered her.

Tessa looked up at me with her big brown eyes, tears welling up, and flew at me. I didn’t expect it so when she jumped into my arms, I toppled backwards on my bed. She landed on me and the moment seemed so perfect. Both of us were the happiest we’ve been in a long time. I have no clue what possessed me to do it, but I leaned forward and kissed her lips. And it could have been my imagination, but I thought I felt her kiss back until she pulled her face away from mine.

The kiss felt sweet and natural, like it was meant to be. That is, until it ended abruptly.

“Whoa…” She said after. She sounded shocked.

“Oh… I’m sorry. Should I not have done that?” I knew it was a mistake! Tessa obviously had no feelings for me. I tried to put those thoughts out of my head and think of nothing in particular.

“No. I mean yes. I mean—I don’t know…” Tessa said, trailing off at the end. She looked confused, like she was thinking hard about what happened. Then a wave of realization crashed over her face and she jumped off of my stomach where she was laying.

“Oh… okay then. Um, well so I found the letter.” I picked up the piece of paper from JC’s pile and waved it at Tessa, trying to change the subject. My cheeks were on fire and I couldn’t look directly at her. I was still embarrassed about what had happened.

 “Oh, yeah, the letter.” Tessa said and sat back down next to me on the bed. We weren’t too close, but she could still see the paper from where I held it. We studied it over before we called the guys back in Boston.

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