What They Say Chapter 11

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I woke up on the couch of the hotel room and just stared up at the ceiling for a while. I was curled up on Connor's side and his arm was around me. My face felt warm and I could feel myself smiling. I remembered what happened last night.

We finished Breakfast at Tiffany's and I was decided on my feelings for Connor. I liked him. After he got up to get the DVD and put it back in its box, he grabbed some ice cream for us both out of the freezer. He handed me coffee ice cream with chocolate chips on it and sat down on the couch with mint chocolate chip in his bowl.

We started to talk to each other just like old times. He told me all about Minnesota and California and what it's like living with the boys in O2L. He told me how his brothers and sister and parents were and showed me pictures of them to show me how grown up they all were. I showed him pictures of my brother and sisters on my phone, too, and he just looked amazed. Finally, we got to talking about just us. Not any family or friends that we made, just us. I remember how he kept looking down at his now melted ice cream and he kept looking up at me with pink cheeks. I started to just sit there and look at him.

He noticed and started to do the same. So we both just sat there, staring at each other. My eyes flickered across his face and I saw every bump, line, and I even saw the 'C' shaped scar on his hair line. I saw the highlights in his hair faded ever so slightly and his roots beginning to show. I noticed all of his perfections-his eyes, his half smile, his little dimples-and his imperfections-his 'C' scar, his faded hair coloring, his bushy eyebrows. Right then I realized that I could look at him, just sit there and look at him, for the rest of the night without saying anything at all.

But we didn't. Connor said something really stupid and I laughed at him. We both looked down and I put my empty bowl on the floor. I looked at him again and fell back into his side. As if it were pure instinct by now, he put his arm around me again and we were just there.

Connor's POV

I woke up on the couch curled up with Tessa. She was on my side and I had my arm around her. I kind of just looked forward at the dead television and remembered last light.

We started out just eating ice cream and catching up on what's been happening the past ten years. We showed each other pictures of our families now and I'd say that both of us were pretty amazed at how much our families had grown in the past ten years. Then we started to talk about just us and not about our families. I started looking down at my melting ice cream and looking up periodically. My cheeks were flushed and I was thinking about telling Tessa how I felt. Then I realized that she was looking at me. She stopped talking and just stared.

I finally got tired of feeling her gaze on me and looked up too. I didn't say anything. I stared back at her and my eyes scanned her face. I saw every little detail on her skin. Every freckle, her small dimples when she had that crooked half smile, and her long eyelashes over her perfectly black eyes. I realized in that moment that I would be able to sit there all night without speaking.

But we didn't go on without saying anything. After a minute or two, I said something that was insignificant and Tessa laughed. We broke the eye contact and she put her empty ice cream bowl on the floor and kind of just fell onto my side and I just put my arm around her without even thinking. And there we were, all curled up on the couch of a huge hotel suit in the middle of Boston. And she had no idea of how much I liked her.

Tessa's POV

And there we were, all curled up on the couch of a huge hotel suit in the middle of Boston. And he had no idea of how much I liked him.

Amanda's POV

I woke up in a big concrete room. I had a pounding headache and my leg was killing me. Where was I? Where was JC?

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