What They Say Chapter 23

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Amanda’s POV

                “So what now?” JC was walking next to me after he’d hung up with a worried but still complaining Trevor. We had no idea where we were headed but we knew that there had to be some sort of coffee shop around the small town we were in.

                “I’m hungry.” He read my thoughts and took my hand in his, both smudged with dirt and blood and bruises.

                “Same here but I don’t think they’ll let us in to any sort of civilized place looking like this.” I gestured towards our ripped clothing and noticed just then that JC was only wearing one black Vans sneaker and had a gash in his leg. He was only limping slightly, though.

                “Well you shouldn’t have convinced me that tortured hobo was the new style if you weren’t going to stick with it.” He joked and chuckled the tiniest bit.

                “Hey, you said you wanted to try new things.” I joked back and swung our arms between us. We really did look like tortured hobos. I laughed a little more at the thought and eyed my shirt, once perfectly stitched together, now falling apart and hanging loosely off of my battered torso.

                “Hey, Amanda?” I hadn’t realized until then that a comfortable silence had fallen between us, only to be interrupted by his smooth voice.

                “Yeah?” I looked at JC with curious eyes.

                “You know that I love you, right?” His cheeks got pink and I ceased to walk as he ended the question, being tugged back by our still interlocked fingers.

                “I love you too JC.” I looked at his and let my eyes wonder over his face, landing on his lips. I leaned forward and kissed him gingerly at first. Then our actual bodies moved together and our lips were in sync, moving together as if we were one.

                We were like this until a car honked at us and screamed at us to go back to the woods we came from to ‘finish our business’ as they put it. After that, we broke apart, smiles never falling from our faces, and we walked hand in hand into the town of what we discovered was Roxbury.

                “It seems so nice here. How could those crazy people be from a nice place like this?” I was speaking to JC as we walked to a local department store, found courtesy of Google. We decided to wash up in the bathrooms and get some new clothes with JC’s credit card that he had on him.

                “Don’t worry about them anymore. We tied them up and once we get clothes and food we’ll call the cops.” He was so certain about his plan that I had no choice but to go along with it. That is, until one very major thought struck me like lightning.

                “Wait. Can’t we stay in a motel or something until the guys get here? The cops will want to take us home but then the boys will be on their way here by then.” Kian told Connor that he and Tessa shouldn’t worry about coming out here because there wouldn’t be enough time between flights and driving. He said that they should just go to our apartment and sleep or something and it would all be taken care of. Connor agreed with Kian and then Kian called us to tell us the plan.

                “Yeah okay, I don’t think it will take them that long to get here. Ricky said we were only two hours out of the city so I can call them now to start driving and we’ll hang out somewhere.” We approached the department store then, receiving weird looks from the few people bustling around the racks of clothes.

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