What They Say Chapter 18

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Tessa’s POV

“Frozen yogurt?”


“Candy apples?”


“Cotton candy?”


“Oh come on. Who doesn’t like cotton candy?” Connor was still trying to get me to ‘get out of the house’, as he put it. He wanted to go to an amusement park with me and the only way he knew how to get me there was by tempting me with sweets.

“I never said I didn’t like it, I just don’t want any.” That was a total lie. “Plus I can just go down to the grocery store and get a bag of cotton candy if I desperately wanted some.”

He looked at me with defeat in his face and I stared back with amusement shown all over mine. Then suddenly, as if the answer had smacked him in the face with a two by four, he ran the short distance between us and hauled me up over his shoulder and started walking. I watched the muscles in his back tense and relax as he walked with purpose. At first I was dazed and confused, mesmerized by his back showing through the slightly tight maroon t-shirt he had on. Then I started to pound on his back with my fists, to no avail. The hitting became weaker and weaker as all of my blood rushed to my head and Connor laughed at my attempts to hurt him, a laugh that vibrated through his body and reached my abdomen that was still resting on his shoulder.

“Oh Tessie!” He called at me. Tessie? Really?

“What Connie?” I said back. It was a weak attempt to make a comeback.

“Do I look like I’m wearing a blonde wig?” He strikes back.

“I wouldn’t know. I can’t see your head. If you didn’t know, I’m currently upside down!” I said back, stressing the ‘upside down’ portion of the sentence.

“Sarcasm noted.” He said while chuckling. “Anyways.” He drawls out the word when he’s done laughing. “Guess what! We’re going to the amusement park!” He says excitedly while stepping out of the house, waving to curious on-lookers and smiling.

I begin to hit and kick him again and apparently I kick pretty close to his ‘special area’ because he lets out a low “whoa” and shifts the lower half of my body so it isn’t as close to him anymore.

“You better watch where you kick, Tessa. That was a close one.”

“Not close enough.” I mutter and he laughs at me, the vibrations sending electricity jolting through my body. That boy does bad things to me.

Connor’s POV

I was still trying to figure out why I had called Tessa Tessie when she started to kick and hit me, harder than before, and I had to clutch on to her waist tighter so she wouldn’t fall. I felt her foot hit right above my ‘house down south’ and thanked God that she had short legs before letting out a small “whoa” and moving her over a little, just enough so she couldn’t kick me there anymore.

“You better watch where you kick, Tessa. That was a close one.”

“Not close enough.” I could tell she was talking to herself but I still let out a few chuckles. The hitting and kicking had stopped by the time I reached my car and I opened the door before placing Tessa safely inside and shut the door. Never peeling my eyes off of her, I jogged around the front of my car and hopped into the driver’s seat.

“Okay, let’s head out then.” I said, finally looking down at the keys I had stuffed in my pocket before, now pulling them out to start the engine.

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