What They Say Chapter 5

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Amanda was spending time with JC and I didn’t know what exactly to call their relationship, but I thought they were dating. Ever since pizza night, when he stayed for dinner and eventually just slept on our couch, they’d been pretty inseparable. Always texting or talking on the phone. They were meeting up at coffee shops or the movies and even though it had only been a week, they had their first kiss on Amanda and mine’s couch. I was there and it was pretty weird for me.

Connor and I bumped into each other at Spencer’s. Kian really wanted to go shopping so they went there. It was awkward and all three of us could sense it. Kian backed away and went to talk with Amanda leaving Connor and I to stand there like strangers.

“Hey.” He spoke quietly like a little kid.

“Listen Connor, I’m sorry. I- I didn’t know what I was talking about when we were texting. I was overreacting big time and I had no right to blow up on you.”

“Yes you did Tessa. You had every right to blow up on me. I was a jerk and you were right, I did change. I changed a lot.”

“Connor you can’t avoid change. It’s bound to happen to everyone. I can’t blame you for it.” Why was he telling that I was wrong? He was right. I was admitting that I was wrong. I was apologizing and he was supposed to accept it.

“No. Tessa listen to me, I was a jerk. I am a jerk. Sure people change, but I over did it.” Connor was apologizing for the inevitable which didn’t make any sense.

“You didn’t over do change. How about we just try to forget it? Let’s just start fresh, okay?”

“Fine. Hey Tessa! I haven’t seen you in forever!” He was enthusiastic and I could still see that he was unnerved by our argument.

“Oh my gosh Connor! You look so great!” I was trying really hard to make things good before next week when he left.

We hugged like we did when we first saw each other at the Digitour but everything felt forced. Probably because it was. We would have to put it behind us one way or another. You know what they say, live and let live.

“Hey, do you want to come over tonight?” Connor pulled away  from the hug and looked down at me.

“You want me to come over?”

“Yeah, sure. Why not?”

“Oh. Okay. It’s just, I don’t really know where you’re staying.” I looked down when I said that for some unknown reason. I wasn’t embarrassed. How would I know what hotel he was staying at in all of Boston?

“I’ll just pick you up at, like, 5” he reassured me.

“Ok. Wait. Do you want me to stay over or… never mind. I just realized how weird that sounded, sorry.”

“No, you can stay the night. We can watch movies and eat a whole bunch of junk food like old times” he said.

“Okay. I guess we’ll figure out the sleeping thing when it comes to it then.”

“No you can sleep in my bed.”

My eyes went wide. What the heck!? I thought we were just going to hang out!

“No, I mean I’ll sleep on the couch or something and you can sleep in my bed. Separately. In different rooms.” He saved himself by saying that. Good thing he clarified before I got the chance to say anything. That would’ve been awkward.

“Oh, yeah. I knew that.” I didn’t really know that. I almost puked.

“Okay, well, I’ll pick you up at 5 then. Then we can pick out movies at the video store and head back to the hotel.”

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