What They Say Chapter 21

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Connor’s POV

“I kinda just wanna get up there, you know?” Tessa was still shaky from the rollercoaster ride and I hadn’t let go of her hand since getting up from the bench. All the way to the ferris wheel, even sitting there on the bench, I was contemplating whether or not I should say something to her and I still wasn’t sure.

“Yeah, I feel the same way.” I replied to trying to sound like I wasn’t distracted by the thoughts floating around in my mind like a billion boats in a lake. I could feel my face stiffen and relaxed it but not before I saw Tessa peak up to see the look of what I was guessing looked like I forgot what I was even doing at an amusement park. I knew she was going to ask me about it, if not right there in line then once we were actually on the ferris wheel.

I opened up my mouth to try to explain my facial expression in a believable lie but soon dropped the idea and shut my mouth.

“Oh my God.” Tessa stared down at the screen of her phone, alarming me.

“What is it?” I asked, sounding paranoid.

“Hold on, I have to take this.” Tessa blinked a couple more times at her ringing cell phone before answering. I tried to look at the caller ID but the glare of the sun wasn’t on my side.

“Hello?” Her voice rang out skeptically and shakily. “Oh my God, you’re okay!” Wait, what? Who was okay? It couldn’t have been-“Amanda, I’m literally shaking right now.” It was! It was Amanda! But wait, where was JC? As if Tessa could tell what I was thinking just through the touch of our hands, she asked the question that was banging around inside my brain. “How, um, how is JC? Where is he?” She asked it quietly and carefully as if it would damage her to say it too loudly. A small tear rolled down her cheek and I thought that something terrible had happened to him. “Oh good.” Relief washed over me with her words. “We were so worried about you guys. I couldn’t sleep at all and the boys were flipping out and-” She must’ve been cut off by Amanda. Just then my phone rang and I looked down and saw what I couldn’t believe—JC.

“JC, man, you’re alive!” I smiled while speaking.

“Dude, you wouldn’t believe anything that happened to me and Amanda. I t was crazy and weird and horrible. I just want to get home and never see the color grey ever again.” He sounded tired and his breath made me think he was walking. I could hear Amanda in the back ground and when she stopped talking on that end, I could hear Tessa next to me replying to her.

“Well you don’t have to worry about that. And you’ll never guess where Tessa and I are right now.” No way he would guess that we were in California.

“I know, you’re right where I wanna be. And with Tessa? Score, bro.” He chuckled at the end of his remark and even though we weren’t face to face, I blushed the slightest bit. The line ahead of Tessa and I moved and so I tugged at her hand and we stepped up a little bit while the rowdy group of five hopped on one of the bucket shaped carriers of the big wheel.

“How’d you know that?” I figured I wasn’t his first choice to call but who told him where we were?

“Kian told me that you guys went home to find the letter from the crazy fans that took us and he suggested you take her to the Cali Fun Zone.” Of course it was Kian.

“I should’ve known that’s the guy you’d call first.” I laughed, punctuating my sentence with a loud bark.

“Well he doesn’t talk on the phone a lot but he can still tell me everything that’s goin’ on, ya know.” He laughed that time and I just nodded to myself, knowing JC wouldn’t see it but still making the movement. I looked down at Tessa still on the phone sounding like she was beginning to end the conversation.

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