What They Say Chapter 4

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Connor’s POV

“Okay, so I think we should stay here for another week or two because ya know, we don’t have to go anywhere for a month or so.” Sam was talking

“Yeah I think you’re right” JC was agreeing.

“You just want to stay here ‘cause you like that chick” Kian added.

JC started to blush a little and we all laughed at him.

“So what should the theme be this week, boys?” Trevor always asked that when we went on tour because he didn’t live in the house with us. We always just called, texted, or e-mailed him the video themes but now he was with us so he could ask in person.

“What about travel” I suggested.

“Makes sense since we’re on the Digitour” Kian said.

“Okay! Let’s do it! Travel it is!”

“Calm down, Sam. No need to get your panties in a bunch” I joked.

“Oh, shut up.”

“Whatever. I call filming first!” I shouted.

“Kay. Just hurry up” JC warned.

“Yeah, yeah.”

I went into my part of the master suite and started to film. I was talking all about the Digitour. How we were in Boston for awhile and then we were going to New York City. I was making jokes about airplane people and then hotel people and then about how people who go on trips are always rushed and don’t relax on vacation. I signed off and then edited the video like I usually do. When I finished I left my room and told the guys I was going out.

I couldn’t stop thinking about the texts between Tessa and I. Obviously she just said that she was sorry so she could stop talking to me. I don’t even know why I texted her in the first place. I had no reason to be sorry but I felt bad anyway. I mean I had never made her cry before. Like never ever. And then when JC got home last night and he told me how upset she was, I knew that it was all my fault. Had I really changed that much? Maybe.

I wanted to try it again so I got out my phone.

            Me: Hey, you busy?

I waited a while. I found a Starbucks and stopped in. A few of the customers recognized me and I took a picture or two and signed one chick’s shirt. Once that was over, I ordered my drink and waited at a table. Finally my phone buzzed in my pocket.

            Tessa ;D: Nope. What’s up?

      Me: Uh… well I still kinda wanna talk about last night. Where’d you go after… well, ya know…

My name was called once I hit send. I got up, received my coffee and sat back down at my table before someone stole my seat. My phone went off again.

            Tessa ;D: I took a walk and then got a ride home from JC. Didn’t he tell you?

            Me: Yeah, he did. I just forgot. So are you OK?

She didn’t answer for a little bit. What if she wasn’t okay and I pushed the wrong button or something? What if she was really mad and didn’t want to talk to me at all? My phone buzzed again, but this time it was a call from Sam. I took a sip from my now luke-warm coffee and hit ignore. What if she answered while we were talking? I was worrying too much. My phone went off again. It was her.

            Tessa ;D: Do you think I’m fine Connor? I totally humiliated you and me at the same time. I thought we were going to hang out like old times and then you took me to that awful “party” or whatever it was. You were totally different. I don’t know if I was overreacting or not but I think something was definitely off  with you. I guess I was just thinking that you would still be the 8 year old Connor that moved to Minnesota when we were kids… I’m just tired and sorry and if you don’t want me to be around then I’ll leave you alone.

Wait, what? She thought I changed? What did she mean by she thought I was ‘totally different’? I mean, yeah I wasn’t the same kid as before but had I really changed that much? I couldn’t waste anymore time thinking to myself.

            Me: No, I don’t want you to be mad at me. I really am sorry. I didn’t know that I changed so much. I’m really sorry, Tessa.

Tessa never answered back and I left the Starbucks at 4. I had been sitting there for two hours and only drank half of my coffee. What did I do?

Tessa’s POV

            Connor Franta: No, I don’t want you to be mad at me. I really am sorry. I didn’t know that I changed so much. I’m really sorry, Tessa.

I wasn’t going to answer back. I was crying and totally being stupid. I was overreacting way too much. People change. I knew that. Why did I expect Connor to be any different? He was a person too. And I had changed over the years as well. It was subtle but I still changed. God, I was so confused! Nothing made sense!

“Hey, what’s up Buttercup?” Amanda was standing at my bedroom door.

“People are stupid Amanda. People are so stupid.”

“What people? Connor people?”

“Yes Connor people” I answered.

She came and sat down on my bed. I had an Ironman themed room including a bed set and she sat right on Ironman’s head.

“Hey! You’re suffocating Ironman!” I was yelling at her and pushing her off the bed. “You almost killed him” I said laughing.

“Whatever. Superman is way better.”

“Not even, Amanda. Not even.”

We debated about who was better for the next ten minutes and the whole Connor thing floated to the back of my mind and put itself away into a small filing cabinet in my brain.

“Okay! They’re equally amazing! Now let’s go get some food” Amanda ended the feud.

“Okay, that’s fine with me.”

We ordered a pizza. It was pepperoni with extra cheese. I was thinking about how we weren’t fat because all we did was eat junk and watch movies when there was a knock at the door.

“Pizza’s here!” Amanda was shouting back to me.

“Okay! I’ll pay you half when he leaves” I told her.

“Kay” She responded.

I heard the door open and some talking but it didn’t sound like our normal pizza guy. I walked to the living room to see what was going on and saw JC there. Amanda had the happiest face on and JC looked pretty glad himself that she opened the door and not me.

“Well hello there.” I greeted him with a smile. JC was really nice and understanding and he picked me up when I was feeling down – literally.

“Hey” ,he said, “how are you doing?”

“I’m alright. How about you?”

“I’m good, thanks.”

“No problem.”

I left them to talk and then the pizza guy really was coming. I saw him through my bedroom window coming up the front steps. I ran out of my room and begged Amanda for the other half of the money. I had this thing about being prepared when the delivery guy came. I hated to keep him waiting at the door.

“Why? He isn’t even here yet.”

“Yes he is. He’s coming up right now. I saw him.”

“Fine, it’s in my wallet on the table.” She pointed to the bulging One Direction wallet on the counter. I opened it up and grabbed ten bucks to add to mine and waited near the door.

“What’s her problem” JC asked.

“I hate it when I’m not ready for the delivery guy. I have to get ready every time I see him come” I answered his question for Amanda.

“It’s a weird thing” Amanda added.

“You be quiet. You can be weird too.”


They went back to talking about whatever and the Pizza Man came. I invited JC to stay for dinner to which he said yes. The rest of the night was really fun and I could definitely tell that Amanda and JC had a thing working. At least they were happy with each other. 

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