What They Say Chapter 10

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Tessa's POV

"Hold on." I was on the phone with Connor. I've always hated talking on the phone but with him it always felt like he was there in person. Amanda was at the door and trying to talk to me.

"Okay." He replied smoothly.

"What's up?" I was talking to Amanda now. She was looking at me with her big, bright blue-green eyes with tan-ish sunflowers in the middle. They reminded me of Connor's eyes.

"Just letting you know, JC is gonna pick me up in", she paused and looked up towards my Ironman clock, "about 35 minutes. We're going to the movies. I didn't want you to come out and be clueless as to where I was." She informed me of her date and I listened. She had a look of tired mixed with depressed but maybe I was reading her facial expression wrong.

"Okay, cool. Thanks for telling me. Have fun!" I smiled at her and turned back to the conversation with Connor. Amanda was still standing behind me, though.

"Thanks. You too." She said dryly. I don't think she knew I was listening. And before I could thank her she was gone.

"Is yous free to talks now?" He asked me in a weird baby voice that made me laugh.

"Connor, you're so weird." My laugh had calmed down to a giggle and he was laughing too.

"Yeah but that's why you love me."

"True, true." I agreed with him. That was the reason we got along so well. It was like what he said one time. "You're weird. I'm weird. Let's get married." Except we weren't getting married, just getting along.

"I KNEW IT!" He yelled into the receiver. "So what was Amanda sayin'?" He asked me, more curious than ever.

"She's going out with Jc tonight. They're going to the movies in a little while."

"That's it?" He asked, sounding a little disappointed that they're wasn't more to tell.

"Yep, that's it. I would've thought that JC told you." I thought the guys always talked to each other.

"Well he did I just thought that Manders would have something else to say. You know how girls can be. I mean you are one after all."

"That, again, is true."

"Yes, yes it is." I could hear the smile in his voice. He loved to be right after all.

"So what are doing tonight?" I asked, changing the subject from me to him.

"Nothin'. I was gonna watch Breakfast at Tiffany's since I fell asleep before we could watch it before. I haven't returned the DVDs yet."

"Really? You should pick me up so I can watch it with you. Unless you were gonna have someone else over then..." I trailed off. I didn't want to seem clingy or anything.

"No, no. I can pick you up. I mean, if you really want me to." He sounded surprised that I actually wanted to hang out with him and that I suggested it.

"Really? I mean, cool. I'll see you in ten?" I didn't have to do much. Just get changed and put my hair back up into a ponytail.

"Yeah, sure." He said "See you in ten." He affirmed our get together and I pictured us making a handshake and a head nod at each other.

We said our goodbyes and hung up on each other. I immediately got up and looked in the mirror to see how bad the damage was. How bad could it be? All I did was draw Ironman a bunch of times in different poses and talk to Connor on the phone.

"What the..." I looked like I had been caught out in a rainstorm. My eye make-up was smeared down my cheeks and my hair was fluffed up everywhere. I picked up my brush and raked it through my very large hair, eventually forming it into a ponytail. Then I picked up a pair of skinny jeans and a long sleeved shirt and threw them on. I walked into the living room and got my red Vans on. I grabbed my black sweatshirt and waited on the bright blue couch in the middle of the room. I went on my phone and pressed the Instagram icon but didn't stay on it. Then I clicked the Tumblr app and clicked off of it again. I decided to just sit there and stare across the room. I noticed that the wall had needed a new paint job. Maybe we could pick a different color other than grey. Something that would match blue, red, and mustard yellow.

Just then, the sound of a knock on the door interrupted my thoughts of paint colors. Had ten minutes already gone by? Apparently because when I got up and answered the door, Connor told me that he was sorry that he was late.

"Didn't even notice." I said, still distracted by the paint colors.

Connor's POV

I knocked on her door and apologized for being late. I got held up in the traffic and arrived five minutes late.

"Didn't even notice." She said, sounding distracted. She was looking down and fiddled with her hands a little.

"Something on your mind? Is it me being late because I got stuck in traffic and-"

"Do you think I should stick with grey on the walls in the apartment or change it to white?" She interrupted me mid sentence.

"What?" I asked, confused by her random question.

"Well I was looking at the walls and we need to paint but the color scheme is weird and like nothing matches."

"Oh. Well I think the grey is nice." I said.

"Really? It's a little dark." She looked up at me with her huge black eyes.

"Oh yeah. I think it looks cool. What you really need is something hanging up on the walls. Don't just leave them blank. That's what makes it so dark in there."

"Oh. Okay. Thanks for the advice." She smiled at me and looked straight ahead now. She seemed satisfied with what I had told her. I swear I could be an interior decorator.

"So we don't have to stop at the store this time because we're stocked up on sweets and soda and Arizona." I said after a minute and we were in the elevator.

"You have Cream soda?" She asked, whipping her head around to look up at me again. Her face was excited.

"Yep." I said chuckling at her. I just noticed that she had mascara, concealer, and lip gloss on and her hair was pulled back very neatly into a perfect ponytail. Her black sweatshirt matched her green shirt underneath, and was paired with skinny jeans hugging her legs and bright red Vans.

"Awesome." She smiled at me with the pink lip gloss shining on her lips and her orthadonticaly adjusted teeth.

We both looked ahead then and the doors dinged open a couple seconds later. We stepped out simultaneously and walked through the lobby, out the front doors, to my shimmering red Corvette.

I opened the passenger door for Tessa and closed it once she was safe inside. I walked around the front of the car and stepped inside, putting the key in the ignition and starting up the engine. We drove down to the hotel and got out without a word. It was silent, but it was a comfortable silence. Like we didn't have anything to say but that was okay.

We went into the hotel and went up to my suite. I grabbed some popcorn and candy and Tessa grabbed the soda and Arizona. After we set up the snacks and drinks on the table, I popped in Breakfast at Tiffany's and sat down next to her on the couch. Automatically, she fell into my side and I put my arm around her shoulder, squeezing her tightly into me. We sat there, curled up on the couch for the whole movie, but I wasn't really watching it. I was thinking about Tessa and me. I was thinking about how I thought I liked her. But I didn't know. Everything felt right when we were together and I thought this was how JC and Amanda might have felt. Fitting perfectly together and not knowing it until one moment came and it all just clicked. This was my moment. This was my click and I wondered if Tessa felt the click too.

Tessa's POV

I sat down on the couch as Connor put Breakfast at Tiffany's in the hotel DVD player. He came back to sit next to me and I instantly fell into him. He tightened his arm around my shoulder and it just felt right. I was thinking that through the whole movie and not even paying attention. I was thinking about Connor and me. About how I thought I liked him. But I wasn't sure at first. I mean everything felt right when we were together just like Amanda told me her and JC were like. Fitting perfectly together and not knowing until one time just came and everything just came together like a puzzle. This was my moment. This was my puzzle being finished and I wondered if Connor's puzzle was finished too.

HEY DAIR!!!! I'm just lettin'everybody know that I apperciate everyone for reading my story so far. I really didn't think that anyone would read my story so thanks for reading, I love writing for you!

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