What They Say Chapter 15

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Connor’s POV

“Listen lady. We just need two tickets for this flight to Los Angles. It’s really important that we get there as soon as we possibly can. Can’t you just stop with all of these questions?” This is why I hated airports. The woman at the desk was asking all sorts of crazy and irrelevant questions when all Tessa and I wanted was two planes tickets.

“Yes, I understand. Just a couple more questions. It’s mandatory, Honey.” She was speaking slowly; obviously this lady had been at the desk all night.

“Please ma’am. Can we just get our tickets and leave? We have enough money and we’re traveling inside the country so we don’t need passports. We aren’t carrying any weapons and all of the liquid in the bag is less than 3 ounces. That’s all you need to know, isn’t it?” Tessa was pleading with the woman, who was named Susan according to her name tag neatly pinned to her shirt collar.

"Okay, okay. I just need to know the reason for you using our airport so late tonight.” She said. Tessa’s face stiffened and I decided to field this question.

“Why would you need to know that?” I asked her, my eyebrows raised.

“Well it says here on the questionnaire that from between 10 at night to 5 in the morning I am required to ask people who are buying tickets why they are using the airport at that time.” Susan replied to my question smoothly and showed me the bottom of the paper she was reading off of.

“Oh, um, it’s a family emergency.” I said back, fumbling in my mind for the right words. And I wasn’t lying, I considered JC a brother and Tessa thought of Amanda as a sister.

“Okay then. Here are your tickets. Go to gate H25 and wait for the boarding. Have a nice trip.” She smiled at us as Tessa snatched the tickets from her hand and sped off to gate H25.

“Thanks.” I said to her and ran after Tessa who was wheeling her small blue bag behind her.

Amanda’s POV

“HELP! HELP US! SOMEONE, PLEASE HELP US!” I started screaming a long time ago. I knew it wasn’t going to do anything but a girl could try, right?

“Amanda, it’s no use. Stop yelling. No one can hear us except for them. Just stop screaming, please.” JC was still across the room. He got let down from the chains but was held back while I still hung there, my ribs splitting apart every time I breathed.

“JC, I can’t just stop trying. I’m not going to give up hope. Somewhere someone out there is listening. They can hear us.” I nodded my head towards the door. “If anything, you should be joining me, not stopping me.”

“Amanda I just want to think and try to remember what happened and it has to be quiet so I can think. Please, just stop screaming. Calm down, relax, and just try to remember, okay?” Now he looked up at me from his place across from me. His eyes were pleading and red. I felt bad for him so I shut up and tried to remember too.

After a few minutes, something came to me. I remembered that the night of the movie, there were two people hanging around on the corner of the street that we had the snowball fight. There was a girl and a guy and they kept looking over at us. The girl had on black skinny jeans but I couldn’t remember her shirt and jacket. The guy had on all black and he might have been wearing a black beanie, of that I wasn’t sure.

“Hey, JC? I think I remember something.” I said to him.

“Really? What is it?” His head shot up with curiosity.

“The night of the movie, when we were having the snowball fight, there were two people on the corner of the street. They were just hanging around. It was a girl and a guy.”

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