unshattered glass

237 68 54

you try to break me
by unraveling my
deepest secrets
and cutting me
with your words
sharp as a knife.

i start to fall,
my layers start to collapse.
you cheer and grin
in thinking that you have
succeeded in destroying me.

but you haven't broken me yet.
every time you push me
closer and closer to the cliff
I manage to hold on
and keep my grip
that will forever remain as strong
as it was
the day before.

because I'm not just mere glass,
however fragile I look.
I don't and won't crumple
under your evil plans,
and I will not succumb and surrender
even if the pain feels unbearable.

I'm stronger than you think I am.

whew! I was upset before because I didn't have any inspiration for a couple of days but then it struck! :)

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