03 | rainbow

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{ineffable: too great to be expressed in words}

in the foggy clouds,
much too far from the naked eye,
water is becoming heavy.

it falls.
further and further,
until it splatters the ground.
onto upcoming traffic,
passerby's heads,
and slowly melting away.
stopping life in its tracks.

the brief life being drained out of it,
when the sun comes to say hello.
the rain suddenly stops.
and the people take off their coats,
and pack their umbrellas away.
and are free spirits once again.

a glorious array,
of seven colours in the
sky blue sky.
they say;
i come from pain,
and from happiness.

life always has obstacles - but at the end of the day, how you get over them is what makes the sun shine and the rainbow form.
- senuri 💙

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