not you too

183 61 47

{aprictiy: warmth of the sun}

a smile
a tale to be told
a glance
a story behind it
a wave
a greeting of acknowledgement
an embrace
a sign of care
a memory
a feeling inside only you can relieve.

but what happened to all of that?
does our past mean nothing to you?
why'd you destroy everything because of your anger?
I'm a human too...
so why was I treated like nothing?

I guess that's why they say, 'live each day to the fullest',
because you don't know who is taken away from you next.
you disappeared just as fast as you appeared,
gone, like the rest of them.

I don't want to lose you.
not you too.
would love to hear your opinions on this one. also, today's word (haven't put one up in ages) is one introduced to me thanks to @SakinaNasir5253 . thank you again 💗

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