humanity's pain

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as the deer
gallops across the savannah
living, enjoying, being.
watching from a distance,
ready to strike,
is a ferocious predator.

as the bushes rustle,
and separate,
revealing an animal
who hasn't eaten in days,
it's eyes locked
with the deer's own frightened ones.

as the deer
slowly backs away,
but alas, it is too late.
the once voracious animal,
now no longer hungry.

a tinge of sadness
that a hopeless animal must die
in order for another to survive.
but the sadness does not overcome
the hunger.
this is a relatively simple poem, so I probably will update tomorrow as well, since I have gotten tons of inspo these few days. thank you for 113 in poetry, reached on the twenty- fourth of this month. ❤️️

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