Chapter 10 - Frustration

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Twisted Moon - Book 3 of the Black Moon series - Chapter 10: Frustration

(Camden's POV - Sun 1 March 2015)

Calm down, Cam... Calm down... I think to myself. Stop pressing him with questions... Or he will just clam up! You need to gain his trust first!

Easier said than done! I don't really like liars and I can tell that this boy is lying through his teeth. Okay, he may not be sixteen, but he is nineteen either! Is Noah even his real name? I can't be sure about that. I should have searched his bag for some ID last night and I would have had my answers. Whatever! If I want to help him, I do need some information, but I guess I will have to earn his trust before I can ask more personal questions and get to know him a little more. I should have predicted that after his little panic attack this morning because it took him long enough to calm down.

Even if I could have used more sleep, I am glad that I woke up before he was able to run away again. When I saw that it was barely noon and realized that I had slept for barely a couple of hours, I knew that the day would be a hard one for my nerves. The short fight that followed was completely ridiculous - how could he expect win against me in this state of weakness!? - and I had to be very cautious not to hurt him while I tried to contain him, but the little minx was stronger than I thought! However, once he calmed down, I was finally able to take a better look at him. The awake Noah is quite different from the sleeping Noah. As much as his features manage to relax when he is unconscious, giving him that peaceful expression of those who sleep well, the same features turn into something more tortured and pained when he is awake.

It really hurt me to see those fear and sadness on his face while he was cuddling his puppy on the bed, and this is when I decided that I would do my utmost to help him; I won't let him go until I am sure that he feels better. This is not going to be an easy task and I can't think of any rational reason for why I want to do this, but I need it. I need to help this lost boy! Joshua and Mark would probably say that this is because I am finally ready to take a Sub under contract and guide him like they have done with Liam, Shannon and Alex; and they might be right. Don't be stupid, Cam! That boy is probably not older than sixteen or seventeen at best! Well I don't intend to consider him as a Sub either, but I could definitely help him and he would have to go by my rules.

There is something so attaching to this young man. I don't know if this comes from the sadness he gives off, from his angel features, or from his beautiful blue-green eyes, but there is definitely something. And the fact that I picked him up twice already from the street only adds to my convictions. I have to find a way to convince him of staying here, at least for a few weeks. I can totally host him until he gets back into a better shape. The problem is that I don't know how to bring this up without scaring him. However, my major concern right now is that the boy is suddenly turning really pale and I wonder what is going on in this head of his.

"Are you okay, Noah?" I ask him worryingly.

"No... I... I think I need the restroom..." he pants, his chest already heaving.

Crap! I should have thought about that! He has been gobbling up so much food in only a few minutes and his stomach is probably not used to such quantities. I warned him, but I should have forced him to slow down and eat more slowly! As he springs up, I hurry to his side and lead him to the restrooms where he reaches the toilet just in time to crouch and empty his stomach in the pan. Noah moans as his chest heaves, tears running down his cheeks, and I try to soothe him as best as I can by rubbing my hand on his back and with comforting words.

"I'm sorry..." he sobs once he has calmed down. I help him to sit against the wall and flush the toilets.

"Don't worry, it's okay. I assume your stomach isn't used to getting too much food and you should have taken more time to eat. Stay here, I'll go get you a glass of Coke," I order as I hand him some paper tissue. In the kitchen, I pour some Coke in a glass and remove the bubbles by swirling a spoon in the liquid, then I bring it to the young man who is still sitting on the floor in the restrooms. "Here... rinse your mouth and drink this, it'll help settling your stomach."

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