Chapter 74 - Surprising Unraveling

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Twisted Moon - Book 3 of the Black Moon series - Chapter 74: Surprising Unraveling

(Alex's and Aaron's POV - Sun. 19 July 2015)

"Alex, stop brooding, Baby," Mark says softly but firmly enough as he peeks at me in the rearview mirror, causing Shannon to squeeze my hand a little stronger.

The last couple of weeks have been gloomy as hell. I really wish Noah had simply and stupidly run away like I did earlier this year. After all, he is only eighteen and he could have totally gone through one of those teenage whims, but it was pretty clear from the start it was not the case. He wouldn't have gotten rid of his collar and phone by the river where they were found and he would have brought some clothes with him. He wouldn't have done it, period! I know he loves Master Camden. His Daddy...

Ever since Tony and the guys got certain that Noah had been kidnapped, I have been worrying for what he could be going through all these days, my mind brewing all the worst scenarios. Was he the victim of a psychopath who just simply killed him and got rid of his body in a damp or in the forest? Or is he held hostage by some sort of sick bastard who abuses him all day long?

Either or, these theories keep nagging at my thoughts, day and night. To say that I am exhausted from the lack of sleep and all the nightmares that these images enhance would be an understatement. I am really tired and I can't help yawning as Mark is driving us to Joshua and Liam's place. Aaron is sitting at the front beside Mark, and Shannon is with me at the back, holding my hand and trying to soothe my worries away like he has been trying to do for the past two weeks. Not that he doesn't worry himself, but Shan has that wonderful ability to externalize his emotions and torments through giving out a lot of attention to others.

That has resulted in extreme clinginess and endless cuddles. I don't complain because I really appreciate the attention and I feel really grateful for having him and Mark to support me like they do. I learned my lesson well in May, after I returned from my jaunt to my native town. Mark wouldn't let me forget about my resolutions to open up anyway. So, between his unyielding authority and my determination not to mess up, we have taken the time to talk a lot recently.

I have been able to express all my worries for Noah and it certainly helped lessening the effects of our friend's disappearance on me. I do have these nightmares and I obviously shed a lot of tears each time I start brooding over our missing little brother, but this is probably nearly not as bad as it could have been if I clammed up.

Because yes, Noah has become like a baby brother to us. I mean, who wouldn't gush over his cuteness and adorableness? And life is just so unfair! This boy has already lived hell in his childhood, having to bear with uncaring parents. He had run away from them to live out on the streets when he was just sixteen and for a year a half, so you would think that fate would give him a break!

Sadly, not. Poor boy is once again facing what has to be a difficult and painful situation and that is so unfair. When Joshua broke the news almost two weeks ago when we came back for our long weekend in New York, I could hardly believe it, but reality hit us pretty fast. All I want now is that we find him safe and sound so that we can all return to our normal lives. I doubt this will happen so easily, but I really want him back with Master Camden as soon as possible.

A face suddenly pops in my view and soft lips tenderly kiss mine, bringing me out of my reverie. This is another of Shan's tricks to cheer me up and I have to say it always works. I become completely oblivious to anything else around us – well almost completely as I still hear Mark and Aaron chuckle at the front of the car – and just reciprocate, allowing him inside my mouth so that our tongues can mingle and waltz together.

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