Thank you / Announcement

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Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Thank you for having been so many to follow Camden and Noah's adventures. It's been the hell of a ride for me and I have never taken greater pleasure to write a story as I did for this one. It was not an easy one to write and I had huge moments of doubts, but I just loved it. The plot changed so many times in my head but I'm happy with the result. It was supposed to be darker, but things changed and in the end, I prefer its semi-darkness.

Camden and Noah are dear characters to my heart. All my characters are but these two have a special something that I can't explain. I wish I could have written even more about them but this book is already 84 chapters long and has two long epilogues. It represents more than 800 pages in my Word file and over 513K words. As a comparison, I Was Shooting For The Moon, I Hit Two Stars was 440 pages and 270K words long... And just because it makes me laugh, Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix has 257K words, The Lord of the Rings 455K words :) If you've reached the end, you can say you read a long book!

However, this is not the end of Daddy and Baby Boy's adventures.

This story has left me with a huge feeling of "unfinishness" if I may say so and they will come back with more adventures. Like I said in a previous AN, Twisted Moon 2 will start exactly where this one finished (i.e. just before Joshua's call in the last chapter) and without spoiling too much, well, you'll discover all the details of the two-month gap between chapter 84 and the epilogue, the end of Noah's healing, Sony's come back, how Camden and Noah will drop a bit deeper into their sadomasochistic tendencies, college and part-time work for Noah and many more things, including their wedding since the book should stop about a year later. But you'll have to be patient because there are other books coming first and it has to go in that order.

One reason is that I need to unfold Jeremy's story. I have heard some readers are eager to discover Aaron's story but Jeremy definitely needs his to unroll first. This one has been a huge challenge for me because it was absolutely not planned in the beginning and I didn't really know what to do with him. Since it is time to confess, I will be honest and say that Jeremy was supposed to die during Noah's rescue in my first plans, because I couldn't imagine how to heal him after his captivity. But things changed and I know that many of you are a bit scared to read The Darker Side Of The Moon so...

Yes, this book will have a few very difficult chapters as you can imagine but I'll stop being evil for a minute and tell you that I promise a happy ending, plenty of very happy and kinky moments in the flashbacks, a lot of sweetness and love. Don't be afraid to read it because there will be summaries for the hard chapters, and hopefully, you will fall in love with Jeremy and Gary as much as I did while writing their book :)

Then the other reason for stopping TM here is Aaron of course. It will be time for the Master Dom to tell his own story and reveal plenty of things, but that's not all. Aaron is not only the one holding all the secrets of their past, but he also has a future made of love and that future comes some time after the end of Twisted Moon. So, in order to avoid spoilers, it has to be before Twisted Moon 2, but I promise you will hear more about Camden and Noah, and then Sony obviously. At this date, both Aaron's books are entirely planned in detail and about seven chapters of book 1 have already been written.

Now it is time for me to say goodbye and take a little break off publishing because the last 7/8 months editing Twisted Moon, publishing, replying to comments, writing The Darker Side Of The Moon have been quite exhausting and I want to focus a bit on writing for a while – yes, I started publishing mid-March so it took that long... I'll take this opportunity to thank you all again for the help you're providing on religion in the book I posted yesterday, this is truly precious! And more importantly, this has given me even more inspiration and motivation to write faster, hence the early publishing of the second epilogue. Now I can really focus on Aaron!

Like I said before, I am expecting to start publishing The Darker Side Of The Moon early December, but you never know with me... If it turns out that 314 Moons is progressing well, I might get bored without all your comments after a short while and I might start publishing a bit earlier than planned with one chapter per week in the beginning, then two each week from mid-December. No promises here, we'll see.

Then, if all goes well, I want to have completely drafted both Aaron's books before I start publishing them. The two are linked obviously and I want to be sure about what I am doing and to not forget anything so it'll require a bit of patience before you get the Master Dom's story.

In the meantime, I want to thank you all again for your patience with the updates and for having been here all along Twisted Moon. I hope you liked this story as much as I did. Thank you for all the comments it received, you all know how much I love reading them. They are always helpful for me and know that I take your suggestions and ideas into account when I edit! Please just make sure you don't give out spoilers if you ever decide to reread these stories ;)

And if you really liked the book and want to support it, please add it to your reading lists and you may even go back to the chapters to vote (yeah, that's where you curse the author for having made it an 84-chapter long book...).

In any case, thanks for reading. I wish I could give individual thanks to all of you but that would be impossible and I'd be scared to upset anyone I forgot to mention, so that's a global thank you to all the readers, voters, commenters. I sincerely appreciate all the support you're giving to the Black Moon series. It's far from over, though and I hope to see you soon again.

Just a special thank you to my fellow French friend @Fhanth for having accepted to mix our respective characters while I was in the middle of writing Twisted Moon. It turns out that it has made the experience more fun I think and it's been such pleasure working with you. I can't wait for more crossovers! Love you much, Perfect!

That's it for now... See you soon in The Darker Side Of The Moon and don't forget to drop the book in your library so that you get the notifications when I start publishing. Twisted Moon 2 is also available now with a description of the book ;)

Lots of love from Paris!! 💙


Published on 21 October 2017

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