Chapter 17 - Trying My Luck

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Twisted Moon - Book 3 of the Black Moon series - Chapter 17: Trying My Luck

(Noah's POV - Fri. 13 March 2015)

I think this is the first time in my life that I wake up on a Friday 13 without the feeling that this is going to be an awful day. All my previous Friday 13's were filled with bad luck, be it at the time when I lived with my parents or later when I was living on the streets. Even if I truly believe that this is only the result of the mood you are in - like if you feel positive, then you'll only see the positive events of the day and make the bad ones look unimportant, or if you are negative, you will only see the negative side of each event. Well, in my case, there were only bad things happening on those days and I have always hated them.

I remember that Friday 13 last year when I was starving and found a ten dollar bill on the ground. It made my day at that moment, but when I tried to spend it at a grocery store, it turned out that the note was forged and I had to run away like a mad man because the cashier called the security. I ended up exhausted and even hungrier than I was before. Another really bad one took place when I was twelve. My parents never allowed me to take a key of the house to school with me because they were afraid I would lose it. So if they had to go out, they would just leave a spare one beneath the outdoor rug and that Friday, they simply forgot to do so. The problem was that my father's car got a flat tire and they came back only five hours later. Do I need to mention that it was winter time? I sheltered in the garden shed but it was far from warm, and of course, I wasn't allowed to complain about how cold I was when they came back because my father was angry that he had lost hours before they got towed - that would have helped if that idiot had had a spare wheel in his car!

Anyway, for once, I know that this won't be a bad day and this probably has to do with the fact that my life is slightly more positive than it was just two weeks ago. Not slightly... extremely! This is all thanks to that Good Samaritan I met and who, for some unknown reasons to me, has decided to take me under his wing and help me to get out of the street. Unfortunately, I haven't gotten to see him much in the last few days because Camden is a busy man and he has accepted more appointments this week in order to take his Saturday off. Lucky me!

He also took off Tuesday morning so that we could visit some schools in Lisle and around to find one that would accept me and that would provide some intense learning courses. There are actually two that could work and we need to enroll me on Saturday morning which is why he won't go to work. The one in Lisle is more interesting though, because they offer some artistic classes so Camden is pushing me in that direction.

On Monday, I found a stack of blank sheets in the living room, as well as a lead pencil, and I spent the afternoon sketching. I hadn't engaged in my favorite hobby since I ran away from my parents' home; when you're homeless and can barely get enough money to feed yourself, you obviously don't spend it on superfluous items. However, I quickly recovered my self-assurance in my moves and I rediscovered the pleasure of drawing. When I was a child, whenever I felt sad or dejected, I would go to my room and indulge in this pastime for hours. I think it was some kind of coping mechanism until it was no longer enough and I started cutting myself, but it remained my favorite activity and my teachers always said I was talented.

When Camden came back from work that evening, I had already had dinner as he asked me, and fallen asleep on the couch. I don't remember him carrying me upstairs but the following morning, after we visited the school and before he went to work, we stopped by an arts and crafts store and he told me to buy whatever I needed to draw and sketch. Of course, I tried to protest - because damn! He already does so much for me - but he insisted, saying that he had seen my drawings and that it would be a shame not to develop this talent; besides, as he said, it might help my admission in arts classes at school if I can provide a few samples of what I can do.

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