Chapter 71 - Revelations

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Twisted Moon - Book 3 of the Black Moon series - Chapter 71: Revelations

(Noah's POV - Sat. 18 July 2015)

Despite my shackled hands laying in front of me as I am lying on my left side, I feel surprisingly comfortable; more comfortable than I have been in several days, I believe. But deep down, I know I shouldn't feel as such. I know nothing has changed to the situation I was in last night when I once again cried myself to sleep. I am still a prisoner of this psychopath and neither the warmth in my back or the soft fingers brushing my arm should make me comfortable.

On the contrary, they should make me feel even worse with guilt for taking comfort from the touch of another man than Daddy. A man I blew and pleasured almost willingly last night, or at least without much resistance. Maybe I should have rebelled and protested, but what could I do? At that moment, I just thought Andrei would take it on Cutie again if I didn't obey and at least, it was better than doing it to Snobbish or Andrei... That still makes me feel very guilty toward Daddy and I can't help a few sobs escaping from my chest.

"Shhhh... It's okay, calm down..." Cutie murmurs very lowly in my ear, making the sobs vanish instantly. Did he just talk? I have been trying to make him talk for a full week, unsuccessfully, and I'm pretty sure he whispered a few words. I tilt my head to the right to look into his very intense eyes, and he tenderly wipes a few tears from my face. "What's your name?" he then shyly asks. Oh my God!! So he can really talk!

"Noah... you?" I reply in the lowest voice I can manage.

"Jeremy... I'm so sorry for yesterday... I'm sorry you had to do that..." he then says, as tears pool in his eyes.

"No... Don't... It wasn't your fault... And I'm sorry I misbehaved and made you feel uncomfortable. If I hadn't... maybe he wouldn't have asked me to do this to you..."

"Yes, he would have..." he says with a lot of certainty. "I... I had to do the same in the past, so... I know he would have asked you anyway..."

"With the guy he called Timmy?" I ask softly and Jeremy nods in answer, as a few tears escape from his eyes.

I don't know how many more questions I can ask him and how much he would accept to answer, but I already understand that said Timmy was probably another captive, and that Jeremy must have seen him as some sort of anchor in this hell of ours, just like I see him as mine. No matter what happened to this Timmy guy, I bet that Jeremy must have liked him a lot and that he misses him too. Seeing how sad he looks, I am now pretty sure that Timmy is dead, so I completely flip to my other side and snuggle against his chest to show him some comfort, which is not an easy task between the shackles and the chain attached to the damn collar.

"It's okay, Noah... I'm here for you and I'll try my best to give you the same support I received from Timmy when I arrived here... I know how scared you are, but... as you will see, he doesn't come here too often and if you manage to... obey, he won't be too hard on you..." he then says softly. "And then... for his brother, well he's here all the time, but you'll have to build yourself some walls... and protect yourself from him..."

If he only knew how the resignation in his tone frightens me even more than the rest! How can he be so passive in this situation? This is definitely not something I want to achieve at any point. Never will I ever let Andrei break me to the point that I won't fight him back! Of course, he has my heart all tied up as well because I fear for what he could do to Jeremy to punish me. I might have to comply with his orders, but I swear to myself that there will always be this insubordinate and recalcitrant side within me.

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