Chapter 1

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Chelsea's POV

"I hate when boys are always like."

*squints eyes*

*lip bites while lifting up shirt to no abs whatsoever*

"In pictures."

"Stop it boys. Right now."

My vine had just gotten revined by one of my favorite viners ever, Alx James. I was literally on the floor for hours crying until I got the strength to call my best friends Dani and Franki. After I called them they made their way over to my house, and I was home alone since my sister had moved out, my brother was in college at the moment, and my parents were at work. It was a regular Saturday morning so we could even go out with out worrying.

Finally, they both got to my house. I saw both of their cars in the driveway of my home and I was already preparing myself for the fangirling they were going to give me. I scurried down the stairs and opened the front door, and to my surprise they were right there waiting for me to open it. Without me letting them inside they both ran towards me, toppelling us all to the tile floor in a fit of laughter.

"Guys get off of me before I scream!" I exclaimed. That made them scramble off of me quickly, they knew exactly how high pitch my screams were, and they wanted to be no where near me when I did.

"So what vine of yours did he revine?!?" Franki pushed on.

"Hold on, I'll get my Ipad and show you!" I ran back up the stairs and down the hallway to where my room was, grabbing my iPad off the bed and running back out. To my luck, I rammed into Franki once I turned around. I guess she followed me.

I tapped away until I got to Vine, clicking on my profile and scrolling through my most recent ones, scanning my profile for the correct vine.

Just a couple more.... "AHA!" I yelled, earning two glares from Dani and Franki.

"This- this is the one!!" I exclaimed, shoving the iPad into their faces, making them stumble back a bit, with their eyes wide. I heard them giggle at the vine as I walked away to the kitchen to grab some food for us to munch on.

Yeah that sounds weird but I couldn't think of any other way to describe it, so just forget about it.

When I walked out of the kitchen I saw that Dani and Franki had made their way out of my room and into the living room, and sat on the couch, but there was no room left so I just sat on the floor in front of them.

They were still scrolling through Vine, they're literally obsessed with that thing!

Oh yeah, by the way I'm the only one who makes the Vines in this relationship of the three of us.

Usually after 5-10 minutes they get bored of watching vines so they stop, but this time I kept hearing the same voice over and over again. They must be on someones profile or something.

I kinda zoned out and fiddled with my fingers, pondering on if I should wait for them to finish or snatch the iPad away.

I decided on plan B and snatched the iPad away from them, taking a look at whoever they have been listening to for the past 10 minutes.

My jaw dropped as I looked at the boy on the screen beneath me. He had gorgeous bright blue eyes and beautiful brown hair that looked so soft to touch. He had some pimples but I honestly didn't care, his flaws made him perfect. Something in me knew that I had seen him before though. I took a look at his name at the bottom of the vine.

Nash Grier

Where have I seen him before?

Oh yeah! He's friends with Alx James! Ive seen him in a couple vines before. But man I never really paid attention to how gorgeous he was.

"Hello?? Earth to Chelsea?!" Dani's hand waved infront of my face, well until she slapped me when I wasn't paying attention. That sparked me out of my daydream of Nash at least. Gosh I was developing a crush on this boy and I haven't even met him.


Magcon was in a few weeks and now it would be my mission to meet him. That is if I had the courage to go up to him.

"OH MY GOD DANI WE'RE SO STUPID!" Franki yelled, jumping up and down on the couch.


They were both so annoying. Remind me why I'm friends with them again? Oh yeah, because they are my other halves, that's why.

Then I remembered, "You act like I don't know who your vine crushes are." I rolled my eyes at them and they both looked like two deer in headlights. "You do know that I could tell Matthew and Taylor that you like them, right?"

"PLEASE NO WE WON'T TEASE YOU ABOUT NASH WE PROMISE!" They pleaded in sync. It was funny, yet creepy since they said it simultaneously.


Dani and Franki left at about 9PM, and as soon as they left I grabbed my phone and went through every single Vine that he had posted. Lets just say I learned a lot about him.

His name is Nash Grier.

He is 16 Years Old.

He lives in North Carolina.

He has three siblings.

And he is super gorgeous.

I would say that might have been the most productive night of my life.

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