Chapter 13

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The kiss came to an end, leaving me and Nash awkwardly standing there on stage in front of hundreds of people. My eyes went wide when the situation finally became clear to me.

I awkwardly took my arms out of the position they were in, and down to my sides. No one was talking, but to my instinct I scurried off stage, Nash doing the same thing but going in the opposite direction.

Once I passed the food table I made a right, heading for the exit doors. My head was down in embarrassment, my right hand cupping one side of my face so no one would notice me leaving the venue.

As I was walking, I bumped into someone. Clearly neither of us were paying any attention to where we were going.

“Sorry-I-Uh- wasn’t looking where I was going.” I mumbled, avoiding eye contact.

“Listen, Chelsea, can we talk?” Nash’s voice ringed in my ears. My head snapped up, seeing a hurt expression on his face.

“Lets just forget this even happened,okay? All of this, never happened.” I instantly regretted my words, but if I said anything he would think I was weird.

“Oh. Um yeah sure that’s fine.” He nodded his head, walking past me in one swift movement.

Nash’s POV

“Lets forget this even happened, okay? All of this, never happened.” She stated. She said it with ease, no trouble at all. How could I be so stupid to think that she would actually like me? She probably likes Cameron anyway. No one ever likes me. I’m the reject of the Magcon Family.

“Oh. Um yeah sure that’s fine.” I nodded my head, walking past her so she wouldn’t be able to see the tears building up in my eyes.

I’m a man! I shouldn’t be crying! Especially over a girl I met just 5 days ago.

Pull it together Nash.

Now all I gotta do is find a girl that will get my mind off of Chelsea.

There’s a ton of girls out there for me to pick. So if I just go out there and get to know one, goodbye thoughts of Chelsea!

Alright I gotta walk onto the stage like nothing happened. Lets grab a bottle of water and come back on.

Okay. That’s good.


I’ve been looking for a girl in the crowd for almost the whole show. I haven’t found anyone, and I’m starting to regret my mental goal for myself.

Instead of looking in the crowd, now I’ve been looking outside the crowd where the food and the merch is. I came across I tall brunette, but she was facing the other way so I couldn’t see her face.

It looked like she was paying for something, so she would have to turn around eventually. Okay the cashier is giving the change, she took it and….

She’s beautiful.

Light blue snapback, jean shorts and white lace top.

I couldn’t lose her, I needed to get to her right now.

I ran off stage, heading in the direction of the beautiful girl before my eyes. I maneuvered my way through the people, all the way to the food stand where, fortunately she was still standing.

Her head was down so I was guessing that she was on her phone or something. I tapped her shoulder lightly, and she turned on her heel to face me. She lit up with happiness when she saw who it was, and I chuckled when she tried to contain herself.

“Hello!” I greeted, stuffing my hands in my pockets.

“H-hi” She stuttered, putting a stray piece of ear behind her ear.

“What’s your name beautiful?” I asked smoothly, stepping closer.

“Arabella.” She said shyly, looking down.

“Mind if I get your number, Ari?”

“No problem.” She answered, writing her number on my hand quick.

“I’ll see you Arabella. If you want you can come to the hotel after?” I asked, and she nodded her head excitedly.

I walked away, leaving her and even myself shocked.

What the hell was that and where did Nash go?

I have never done that with a girl ever before, not even with Che-

We won’t mention her.

Just Arabella.

I hope she comes to the hotel later so I can show her off to the boys.

Franki’s POV

My head rested on Taylor’s shoulder as the whole group, even Dani were talking in the hallway of the 4th floor, something that we had to ourselves, or we would be getting swarmed right about now.

Even if Dani was sick,her and Matt were still cuddling into each other, the same with me and Taylor.

The rest were just making vines, most likely to get in trouble from Bart later on. Chelsea and Nash were sitting on opposite sides of the hallway, neither of them making contact whatsoever. Just as I was about to walk over to Chelsea and start a conversation, the elevator dings and a beautiful brunette walks out, looking all innocent. I can tell she isn’t, she’s a player, and whoever’s expecting her is going to get their heart shattered.

“ARABELLA!” Nash screams, running towards her. She shyly waves back. “You came.” He smiled, and she giggled at his stupid remark.

“Guys! I want to introduce you to someone.” Nash yells, getting everyones attention.

“This,” He starts off, motioning to the girl, “Is Arabella.”

The group went around introducing themselves too, but when they came to Chelsea I could help but let out a laugh. It may have looked like a regular ‘nice to meet you’, but if you were standing close enough it was definitely not.

“Hi nice to meet you.” Chelsea started, pulling her in for a hug. “If you hurt him I will personally shove your head up your ass. But I don’t know if it’s already there, but it seems like it to me.” She whispered, pulling away. She ended it with a smile, so no one suspected a thing.

But oh how I couldn’t control my laughter. A loud cackle escaped my lips, causing the group to stare at me in confusion.

When I looked over at Chelsea there was a sly smirk was on her face; she knew exactly why I was laughing.

I walked over to Taylor, clutching my stomach in desperate need for air since I was laughing so hard. When I sat next to him I buried my face into his chest to suppress the volume of the laughing I was doing.

I lifted my head and wiped some tears, only to giggle right afterwards.

“I know babe, I heard it too.” Taylor said, pulling me onto him and laughing along with me.

Arabella’s POV

I’ve already got him wrapped around my finger.

Next is to break his heart and move on.

Once I’m done with him I’ll get my cash.

After all this is only just a game to me.

Silly, silly boy.

What have you gotten yourself in to?


Just a little note to you guys, thank you so much for getting this over 100 reads already! Thank you for the votes as well, it really means a lot. ily

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