Chapter 11

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Dani’s POV

“STOPPPPPPP!!!” I whined, giggling at the same time.

“Not until you tell me that I am the sexiest man on planet earth.” Matt crossed his amrs over his chest, obvious oblivious to the fact that he had given me a chance to regain myself from all the tickling he had been doing.

Unexpectedly I pushed him off of me, making a loud thump when he hit the carpet of the dressing room floor.

“OW!” He screamed, but I returned a laugh instead of sympathy.

“Sorry…” I giggled.

“It’s fine. I’m a big boy.” He huffed, sticking out his chest like a superhero.

“You look like a white girl trying to take a mirror selfie.” I joked, lightly hitting his chest, as I walked to the corner of the room where the jug of water sat. He followed, and stared at me as I poured my water into the red solo cup. It made me feel insecure, just him staring at me right now.

I faced myself in a different direction so he was no longer able to look at me. I was so subconscious about everything that it was unhealthy.

“Sorry, I- uh didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable.” He apologized, and I shyly smiled back.

“It’s fine, I just get insecure from time to time.” I shrugged, walking back over to the couch.

“You know, you don’t have to feel insecure around me. I don’t care what other people say or see, but I see beauty right now, and no one else can change that.” He gushed, smiling.

I blushed and brought my knees up to my face, trying to hide the deep blush covering my cheeks. “No one has ever said something like that to me before.” I admitted.

“Well then I don’t know what they’re hiding, because you’re beautiful.”

I felt him move closer to me, but I couldn’t really see since my face was still in between my knees.

“Hey, come ere’.” He said, and I slowly lifting my head up to face him. My face was in the same position as his, but my eyes wandered around the room. They roamed around aimlessly until his pointer finger tapped my chin, and made me look at him.

My eyes focused on his, flickering from his lips and back to his gorgeous eyes from time to time. I stared at his eyes in silence. They were a dark brown color, and if you stared at them long enough they became a maroon. I wish I had his eyes, they were insanely pretty.

He inched his face closer to mine, his hot breath leaving a trace of tingles on my lips. My eyes fluttered closed, and soon his lips were placed on mine, creating a warm sensation flowing through my body.

Our lips moved in sync, creating a patterned movement for our lips. The kiss was slow and expressed our feelings for eachother.

Who knew this could happen in 4 days?!

The kiss soon came to an end, us slowly moving apart. My hands had somehow wrapped around his neck during the kiss, so when we moved apart my hands were placed there, his hands also at my waist.

“Dani?”He asked, and I hummed in response.

“I really like you. Like a lot. Like a lot a lot.” He admitted shyly, and a cracked a smile. He was adorable.

“I do too. Like a lot. Like a lot a lot.” I made fun of what he had just told me, and I held back a laugh.

“So if I like you a lot a lot, and you like me a lot a lot, then what does that make us?” He asked, cocking his head to the side.

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