Chapter 6

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“Mind if I join you?”

“Um- uh- I” I stuttered. Shit. I can’t stutter, that’s weird come on Chelsea keep it together.

“If you don’t want me to, I-I can just l-leave.” Oh god now he thinks I don’t like him. Dude I like you! Uh how I wish I could send that telepathically.

“No, no. You can sit, sorry.” Yes! I didn’t stutter!!

“Okay, thanks.” He said, sitting on the opposite side of the booth.

“I don’t know if I fully introduced myself, so lets act as if we’re just meeting, okay?” I suggested, and he nodded his head.

“I’m Nash Grier.”

“And I’m Chelsea Heits.” I smiled, and he returned the gesture.

“I know this sounds really cliché but do you wanna play 20 questions?” He looked unsure of himself for asking me, but to be honest I love playing 20 questions. Is that weird? Whatever, I don’t care.

“Sure!” I responded, maybe a bit too perky. Oh god Chelsea there you go, you just ruined your chances with him.

“How old are you?” He asked.


“Me too.”

“When’s your birthday?”

“December 28th, you?”

“May 29th. I’m older than you!!”I rubbed it in his face, and he fake pouted at me. Okay Chelsea try not to melt in your seat.

“What’s your favorite color?”

“I’d have to say a light or electric blue, kind of like the color of yours eyes.” I answered, remembering the skype call when all I did was stare at him.

“My favorite color would have to be…..” He trailed off, and then looked down at his shirt. “Probably the color of the shirt I’m wearing.”

He was wearing one of his merch shirts that was a darker blue, and it had ‘nashty’ written in white script letters across the chest.

“What’s your favorite animal?” I asked him, smiling when he put his hand on his chin doing the thinking pose.

“Umm… maybe a penguin?” He laughed, and oh my jesus lord his laugh was the cutest thing ever.

“I like either a bear or a monkey.”

“Bears scare me, but I guess that monkeys are okay.” He remarked.

“Are you insulting my favorite animal?” I put a hand over my heart, pretending to be hurt. But I guess I was a good actress because Nash took it seriously.

“No, I-uh didn’t mean it like that. Oh my god Chelsea I’m so sor-“ He babbled on, but I cut him off.

“Nash, its fine. I was joking!” I said, putting one hand on his shoulder. He blushed at the contact and I immediately let go to ease the awkwardness.

“I think that’s enough of this game.” He chuckled, until I realized one thing.

“Where is my food?” I thought aloud, scanning the restaurant for it but to no avail no one was carrying food our way.

“Excuse me for a moment.” I say politely, and I walk up to the counter, dinging the bell for assistance. Soon enough a lady appeared.

“How may I help you?”

“Um I ordered food a while ago but it never came and I was wondering if you can check to see if it was ready?” I asked, trying not to sound too rude.

“Who was your waiter miss?” She asked.


“I’ll be right back dear.” She excused herself, and walked into the back of the kitchen probably looking for Colton. Five minutes went by and there was Colton, along with the nice old lady I had just spoken to.

“Now Colton, why don’t you explain to this nice young lady why you didn’t bring her her food?”

“I had your food, but as I was bringing it you were talking with this other boy so I dropped the food because I walked into a table and I never went back to get it because you looked so occupied by your boyfriend.”

My eyes widened, “He’s not my boyfriend!” I exclaimed. “I’m sorry but can you please just bring me my food?” Colton nodded his head and moped back into the kitchen. “Thank you for your help.” I thanked the old lady and she waved her hand off as to say no problem.

I walked back to the table and Nash had a pained expression on his face. “Hey, you okay?” I asked concerned. There is no way in hell I want to see him sad, and I was not pleased by this situation at all.

“Um nothing just home sick that’s all.” He responded, but I didn’t believe it. I could detect a lie any day, and he just did.

“Okay, um I ordered a burger and fries so if you want we could split it.” I suggested, shrugging.

“Yeah, I’m starving.”


“Finally! Fooooood!”

Once the plate was placed on the table I took the knife and cut the burger in half. I squeezed some ketchup onto the plate, and then I took the wrapper off of the straw and placed inside of my lemonade.

“Wait, you didn’t order a drink. Are you thirsty or something?” I asked frantically.

“I’m sorry sweetie but no other orders will be taken, the shop closes soon.” The old lady explained.

“Can you get us another cup at least?” I asked, and she nodded her head. In a few minutes she came back with a glass cup. I poured half of my lemonade into the glass and pushed it over to Nash.

“Do you like lemonade? Because I can ask them to get you something else.” I rambled on.

“Chelsea, it’s fine. I actually really like lemonade.” He laughed, and I smiled in reassurance that he was fine with his drink.

I never grabbed my phone, so I asked Nash what time it was.

“Do you know what time it is? I think it’s getting late.” I asked him. He took out his phone from his back pocket and read the time.

“It’s only about 10:45, can’t you stay a bit longer?” He asked with pleading eyes.

“I can’t, I don’t want to be falling asleep in front of the fans tomorrow, besides, Friendly’s is closing soon.” I explained to him. I really wish I could stay longer but I really needed to be responsible.

“Text me?” He asked, raising his eyebrows.

“I don’t have your number though.” I fake pouted and he smirked, “Well than I should really give it to you then, yeah?” I nodded but then remembered I didn’t have my phone.

“Wait but I don’t have my phone, maybe I’ll just put my number into your phone, then you’ll text me saying its you and when I get back I’ll add your contact into my phone.” I suggested.

“That’s fine, hold on let me get the app open.” He handed me his phone and it was already at a new contact. I put my number in first, and then I put my name as “Batman. Nananana”

I clicked done before he could question the name, and I laughed at my actions. He’s going to get so confused.

After we paid for the restaurant bill, which he insisted on paying half since he literally ate half, we went up to our hotel floor. Our rooms were surprisingly right next to each other, so we stopped midway before giving eachother a hug.

“I’ll see you tomorrow, Nashty.

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