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This is probably the first time I am excited to go to school. I heard we would be having a new student today! I wonder if it's gonna be a boy or a girl... I hope it's a pretty girl, though 😎

After having breakfast, I grabbed my skateboard and my stuff and started heading to school.
I was skateboarding through the hallways when I started to loose control of my skate. It was going REALLY fast.
Everybody moved out of my way, but a blonde girl didn't see me.
"Watch out!" I screamed, so I wouldn't hit her.
But, it was useless. She didn't have enough time to move, so we bumped.
"Oh my God, I am so sorry!" I apologised. "PLEASE don't tell Principal Mullins!"
"I won't." She said, chuckling a cute laugh. I said cute? I meant cool. Cool laugh, that's all. Hehe...
"I'm Freddy!" I said.
"Summer!" She said, and we shook hands.
"Are you the new student?"
"Yeah, and I'm kinda lost. Could you tell me where the Principal office is?"
"Yeah, sure." I said and led her to the office.
We got there and she got in after knocking, so I just walked to my locker.

"Mr. Huerta, come to my office please." Principal Mullins said trough the sound system. Did she see me with my skateboard again?
I just walked to the office, people laughing at me. This happens pretty often. When I got there, I knocked on the door.
"Come in, please!" Principal Mullins said from the inside.
I opened the door and prepared myself for the worst. But, instead, I saw Summer!
"Freddy!" She said.
"Hey, Summer!"
"You two know each other?"
Principal Mullins asked.
"Oh, we just met early." Summer and I said at the time. After that, we bursted out laughing.
"Okay! Mr Huerta, I need you to show Miss Hathaway around the school today."
"Yes, ma'am." I answered.
"You two can go now."
"Thank you." We said and walked out of the office.
"So, Hathaway?" I teased her.
"Yes, Huerta?"
"What brings you here?"
"Long story." Ooh, I like this kind of story!
"I have time! The bell will only ring in 10 minutes."
"I'm not ready to tell... I just don't feel confortable talking about it. But I'll tell you when I'm ready."
"Okay. Thanks." I said, giving her a side hug.

I'm glad we met. I mean, I know a lot of people, but I don't have a lot of true friends. Usually, I just hang out with my friends Lawrence, Zack and Tomika. Sometimes Esme too, she's Lawrence's girlfriend. But I always feel left out! I mean, Zack and Tomika are the kind of 'partners in crime', and Lawrence is always with Esme. It would be good to have a best friend too.
And Summer is super nice! She's funny, happy, and cheerful. She's beautiful and cute, too. Wait, what am I saying. I can't be already falling for her, right?
Maybe I'm just happy that I just made a new friend. I'm not used to make friends that easily. And maybe (just maybe) Summer and I can become best friends!

Well, this might be a good new fresh start.

There it is, a brand new chapter!!
So, I might update this book a little bit slower that I used to update the other one, just because I've been really busy with school, dance and life... And I'm having a few problems with my school 'friends', so there's a lot going on right now.
Well, I hope you liked it!!!

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