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Summer's POV

--------------a few days later-------------

I woke up and realized... Today is the day. OMG, the Talent Show is today!!!!

It was 9:30am (it was Saturday, we didn't have school), so I got up and went downstairs to have breakfast.

"Good morning mom, dad, Em!" I said.
"Morning, darling!" My mom said.
"Good morning, Summer!" My dad said.
"What's up, baby?" Emily said. I stopped by her, our faces really close. I stared at her, a serious look in my face.
"You're weird." I said, and walked away.
"Love you too, sis!" She said, and we both laughed.
"So," I started "the Talent Show is tonight. Are you guys going to be able to go watch me?" I asked.
"Sure! Wouldn't miss it." Emily said.
"Of course, dear!" Mom said.
"Thanks, guys!" I said.
"Come here, Summer. Eat your pancakes, they are delicious!" Dad said. He was right, they really were.

After having breakfast, I went upstairs and read a little bit.

When it was 5pm, I decided to get ready for the Talent Show, since performers had to be there at 7pm.

I showered, and chose my outfit. I was thinking about something cute and glamorous at the same time. Oh, I have an idea!

Clothes, done. Now, hair. I decided to curl it, maybe put half up, half down.

Hair, done. What should I do for my make up?

At the end, I was wearing this:



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Make up:

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Make up:

I received a text from Freddy, that we should be there in half an hour

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I received a text from Freddy, that we should be there in half an hour.

Dang it, it's 6:30pm!!

I quickly grabbed my purse with my phone and ran to the school.

I arrived there by 6:45pm, and everybody was there. (Except for Mr Finn, he's always late).

"Hey, Sum!" Freddy said, aproaching me and giving me a hug.
"Hey, Freddy! Hey, guys!" I said.
"Hey, Summer!" They answered.

It was around 7:15pm when Mr Finn arrived, and we started getting ready to go on stage.

"School of Rock, you'll be on stage in ten minutes! We need you to go backstage!" A lady called us.
"Okay!" We all answered, and went backstage.

I was alone at a corner repassing the song in my head, when I started getting nervous again.
'God, I'm gonna fail! Oh, no! I'm gonna mess up our chance! No no no no no...' was all I could think at the moment.

Suddenly (and luckily) Freddy came, and started trying to calm me down from my panick attack.
"Summer, calm down, it's okay!" He said, rubbing my arms.
"Freddy, I'm not ready!" I said, desperate.
"School of Rock, you have two minutes!" The lady called us again.
"Freddy, I'm horrible! I can't do it, I'm sorry!" I said, and started walking away.
"Summer, stop!" Freddy said, holding my shoulders, and I stopped. Our faces were less than a palm apart.
"You are not horrible, you are amazing. You are not going to mess it up, you are going to do perfect. You can do it, Summer. I know you can." He said, looking at me straight in the eyes.
"How do you know that?" I asked, really low.
"Because I believe in you. I know you can take on the stage. Better, take on the world (an: GMW?💕) with your power. Summer, you are beautiful, you are amazing, you are perfect." He said.
"Is it true?"
"100% true. Summer, you have no idea how much you impress me."
"School of Rock, one minute!" We were called again.
"Are you sure I can do this?" I asked.
"I'm sure." He said.

At this point, our faces were inches apart. We were so close I could feel his breath and hear his intense heartbeat.

And then...

BOOM!!!!!! MISTERY!!!!!!!

So people, we only have two more chapters (one in Freddy's POV and one in Summer's POV) until this book comes to an end.

What did you guys think of this chapter? What do think happened to Freddy and Summer?

Let me know in the comments!!


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