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Freddy's POV

Lawrence, Zack and I just reached Summer's house (since all the girls would be getting ready there) and rang the doorbell. And a stunning Summer opened the door.

"Sum, you look gorgeous!!" I said.
"Thank! You look pretty handsome too." She said, and we both blushed.

We gave them the flowers and they left it at Summer's room. When they were back, we took their hands and started walking to school.
Zomika and Lesme were walking in front of us, so it was just me and Summer again. I don't know why, but this time I felt nervous about being alone with Summer. Maybe I'm afraid she's a lot for me or doesn't like me back.
Oh God, this silent is making me even more nervous. Maybe I should say something... But what? Oooooh I know! I'll compliment her! Girls love it!
"Seriously Summer, you look stunning! I'm glad you said yes. This night is gonna be the best, because you are the best! Okay, I'm sorry. I'm really nervous, and I talk too much when I get nervous. Okay, I better stop talking now." I said. Dang! I just ruined everything. Why is this love life so complicated?! Wait, did I just say love?
I was interupted of my thoughts when, suddenly, Summer kissed my cheek. SHE KISSED MY CHEEK!!!!
"Relax, Freddy. You don't have to be nervous!" She said.

We reached our school and headed to the gym. And that dance was awesome!!!
"Wow. Is Miss Mullins really holding this dance?" Summer asked, as shocked as me.
"It's awesome!!!" I screamed.

Us six sat at a table and talked and ate a lot. Then, a slow song started playing: Need You Now by Lade Antebellun.
Zomika and Lesme run to the dance floor, and I decided to ask Summer if she wanted to dance with me.
"Sum? Do you want to dance with me?" I asked, kinda flirting with her, just for fun.
"I would love to." She said, flirting back. Oh well, this girl is good in this game.

I took her hand and led her to the dance floor.
I wrapped my arms around her tiny waist and she wrapped hers around my neck. Our faces were inches apart. If I moved closer to her, we would kiss. Not that I didn't want to 😏

I was looking at her straight in her deep blue eyes, and I swear I could see her beautiful soul.
We met about two weeks ago, and I already feel like we could be brother and sister. I trust her more than any other friend I've ever had, and I... I love her. Not only as a (possible) future girlfriend, but as a best friend, and as a sister. I feel like I have to protect her from any danger.

The moment was perfect. But, of course, something, mostly someone, just had to ruin it.
Matt, the biggest jerk in our school, just grabbed Summer's arm and said:
"Oh, hello beauty. What are you doing with this loser? Come on, let's have some fun." And then, he started running, taking Summer with him and away from me.
"Freddy!!" I could hear her screaming, and she definitely sounded scared. Oh no, what am I going to do?!
"Summer!" I screamed back and started running behind them. "Summer, I'll get you!"
"Oh, you won't!" Matt screamed and started running faster. The little thing is, Summer was wearing high heels.
If you thought she fell, you were right. She tripped on Matt's feet and fell to the ground.
"OUCH!!!!!" She screamed.
"Summer!" I said, finally reaching her.
"Freddy, I think I hurt my foot..." She said, holding on tears of pain and fear.
"Oh, come here, princess. I'll take care of you." Matt said, almost grabbing Summer on his arms.
"You stay away from her!" I screamed, and was about to beat him up, but the security came and held me before I could. They took Matt away from us and outside the school.
"Summer..." I said, kneeling down beside her.
"It's okay." She whispered, pulling me to a hug.
"I'm sorry..." I whispered in her ear, still hugging her.

When we pulled away, I helped her up and carried her to our table, so she could rest her foot.
"Okay, let's take a look on it." I said, taking of her shoes. "Does it hurt?"
"Yeah, kinda..." She said, but by the look on her face I knew it hurted a lot.
"Sum, do you want to go home?"
"No, of course not! This is our night. My foot is better, I'll not let anything ruin this dance."
"Freddy, it's okay. I'm okay. Let's hit this dance floor!" She said, and got up to go to the dance floor.

And fell to the ground. Again.

"Summer, come on. I'll walk you home. You're hurt, you can't stay here." I said, helping her up.
"Okay..." She said, upset.

She took off her high heels and we walked to her house. Luckily, it wasn't far from school.

"Freddy?" She said, when we were almost at her house.
"Yeah?" I said.
"I'm sorry." She said, tearing up.
"For what?" I stopped her.
"For tonight..." Her voice cracked up.
"I'm sorry I ruined it. That night should be perfect, but it sucked because of me... I'm sorry." Great, now she was crying.
"Summer, don't cry!" I said, hugging her.
"I'm sorry, Freddy." She whispered in my ear.
"Sum, this night was the best!"
"No, it wasn't!"
"Yes, it was! I had my first slow dance with such a beautiful and caring girl, we danced a lot and sang our hearts out, and I saved you from a jerk." I said, laughing at the last part.
"Yeah, I guess it was pretty funny!" She said, laughing too. "Thanks."
"You're welcome, Sum."

We hugged again, she kissed my cheek and entered her house. I just stood there for a good 10 minutes, staring at her door and thinking about how amazing that girl is.
After that, I went home.

I took a shower, put my pajamas in and laid down on my bed, thinking about the awesome moments I had with Summer at the dance, how upset she was when our plans didn't work out, and how she kissed my cheek. Twice!

Oh, and how Matt tried to take her away from me. That jerk face!! He is the reason why Summer was crying half an hour ago.

I feel like I should make it up to her. How about... Oh! We could go to the movies! She told me she really wants to watch Beauty and the Beast!

That's it. Tomorrow, I'm gonna ask her to go to the movies with me. I won't let this one night upset her.

And I definitely won't let any jerk take her away from me.

Just a present for you guys. Happy Easter, everyone! God bless you.

Thank you guys for understanding... I'm not 100% good, but definitely better. Thank you for all the nice comments. That means the world to me, really.

To make it up to you, I made this chapter a little bit longer. I hope you liked it!


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