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Summer's POV

I went to class with Freddy and he introduced me to his friends Tomika, Lawrence and Zack.

Tomika is the only girl in this group, and she seems to be pretty funny. She has dark hair and brown eyes, and is really short. I got really close to her, I think we are gonna be really good friends.

Lawrence is this nerd guy. He is SUPER smart and is really funny too. He has blonde hair with brown eyes.

Zack is this korean cool guy, who's smart but likes to break the rules sometimes. He has black hair and black eyes. And I think he has a crush on Tomika 😏

We talk for a while and the bell rings. Everyone kept talking, and I was really confused.
"Oh, our teacher is always late." Freddy told me, like he had just read my mind.
"Oh. Is it allowed?"
"We do a lot of things that we are not allowed to."
"Like what?"
"You'll find out later."

After a few minutes, a man started trying to get in by the windows.

"Sorry guys, the gate was already locked." He placed his stuff on his desk. "Let's rock!!"
"Rock?" I asked him.
"Oh! I forgot! Kids, we are having a new student today. This is Summer Hathaway." He said, pointing at me.
"H-Hi!" I said, shyly.
"Alright, Summer. Can you keep a secret?"
"We are a secret band."
"Oh my God! This is so cool!"
"For now, you can play the tamborine. Now, LET'S ROCK!!!" He said again. "Oh! By the way, I'm Mr Dewey Finn."

We played a lot of songs, until it was finally lunch time.
I felt a tap on my shoulder, and turned around to realize it was Freddy.
"Oh, hey Freddy!"
"Summer, do you wanna sit with us at lunch? It's only us 4 in the table, so there's a lot of space."
"Sure! Thank you!"
We walked together (since the other ones were already there), got our food and sat down, with me between Freddy and Tomika.
"So, Summer" said Tomika "what made you move to here?"
"Uhm, it's a long story, but also hurtful for me, so I'd rather not to talk about this now, if that's okay with you..." I answered.
"Oh, okay. I'm sorry I asked you, really. If you want someone to talk to, you can call me." She said, really meaning it.
"Thank you, Tomika." I said, giving her a smile.

We ate our lunch (it was pizza day!) and talked about random stuff, when it was time to go back to class.
"Alright, rockers! Today, I'llbe giving you a new project! You have to write a song about anything you want to. I'll pair you guys randomly." Mr Finn said.
"Best project ever!" Lawrence cheered, what made all of us laugh.
"Okay! Here you go: Jessica and Kevin, Laura and John, Tomika and Zack, Regina and Lawrence, Julia and Roberto, Summer and Freddy. Yeah, this is it. The rest of you were told their partners early today. I'll let you guys discuss about it for a few minutes."
"So, partner!" Freddy said, aproaching me.
"What's up!"
"Wanna come to my house this afternoon, so we can start the song? My parents are away on a business trip, anyways."
"Yeah, sure! It'll be fun!"
I just met Freddy (the guy I may or may not be starting to crush on)  today and I'm already going to his house?

Man, what a day.

Helloooooooo! What's up?
I'm so happy right now!!
I've always wanted to be an actress, and last year I did a dance summer intensive with the Joffrey Ballet School. And last week, I received an e-mail from them inviting me for another intensive, but about acting, in HOLYWOOD!!! This is so exciting! But sadly, it's too expensive and we can't pay for it right now... At least I was invited, though! 😍😍😍😍
Anyways, I hope you liked this chapter!!
Love you all 💕💚

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