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Summer's POV

I just got home from the dance. God, I feel so bad about it... Freddy was so excited for tonight!

I think I should make it up to him... But how?!

Looks like I fell asleep thinking about how to make it up for Freddy, because I woke up on the other day by a buzz on my phone. It was a text from Freddy:

Freddy 💚
Hey, Sum! So, I'm feeling
really bad about tonight...
I want to make it up to you.
Wanna go to the movies
tonight? Beauty and the

Freddy, I would love to!
And I feel bad too, you
seemed to be so excited...
I'm sorry.
But yeah, let's hit the
movies tonight!

Freddy 💚
YES! Glad you said
yes. I'll pick you up
at 7:30 pm. See you
there, Sum 😘

See ya! 💕

That's awesome!!! Freddy and I will get to meet again, and I can apologise for yesterday. I'm so happy, I was afraid he would be mad at me... I'm glad he's not!

Now it's 6pm... I should start getting ready for the movies.

I decided to wear something cute and confy at the same time.
After about 15 minutes, I decided to wear this:

After about 15 minutes, I decided to wear this:

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Now, make up and hair. I thought about something like this:

Make up:

Make up:

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It's now 7:20pm, Freddy will be here any minute

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It's now 7:20pm, Freddy will be here any minute. He's gonna pick me up at 7:30pm, since the movie starts at 8:30pm, so we will for sure have our tickets and nice places to seat.

It was exatly 7:30pm when the doorbell rang. I went to answer it, and it was Freddy.

"Summer! Wow, you look beautiful!" He said, making me blush.
"Aww, thank you!" I said, and he blushed too.
"Let's go!" He said.

I locked the door, Freddy grabbed my hand and we started walking to the mall (the movie theater was there).

When we got there, we bought our tickets (Freddy did, he didn't let me
pay... Even mine!) and went to the food line. When it was almost our turn to order, we saw a big themed popcorn bucket that came with a coke. And it wasn't that expensive!
But remember when I said 'big'? I wasn't lying. It was really big. Like, really really big. So Freddy and I decided to share it.

"What would you like to order?" The lady asked us.
"We'd like to have this combo that comes with the themed bucket and the coke, please!" Freddy said.
"Alright, just a minute!" The lady said.
A minute later she came back with our food.
"There it is!" She said.
Freddy paid and we thanked her.
"Have a nice date!" She said.
"Oh, we're just friends." Freddy and I said at the same time.
"Yeah, right. Bye!" She said.

We were at our seats talking when the movie began. We watched it and it was the best movie I've ever watched (a/n: true!!)!
Halfway through the movie, Freddy and I touched each other's hands (accidentaly!) since we were sharing the popcorn. His hands are so soft and... SUMMER! Snap out of it! He doesn't like you back!

The movie reached its end and we started walking back home.
We passed by a music store and saw a bunch of people there, and we decided to see what was going on.
"Hold on, guys! Calm down!" A boy said.
"What's going on?" Freddy asked him.
"People are buying new instruments, because Shawn Mendes (a/n: MY HUSBAND) will be holding video audition stop discover new talents to open his show on LA in two weeks."
"FREDDY! We have to join!!!" I screamed.
"WE DO!!! Let's tell the others about it tomorrow at school!" He screamed back. It was noisy, we had to scream.

We walked back home talking about the auditions and how cool it would be to open Shawn Mendes's show in LA.

We reached my house, and I decided to thank Freddy for tonight.
"Freddy?" I said.
"Thanks for tonight. I was feeling really bad about the dance, we needed to make it up."
"Agree. I'm glad you enjoyed tonight."
"Enjoy? I loved it!! It was amazing."
With that, I have him a hug and a kiss on the cheek.
"Oh, here's the bucket. You can keep it if you want." He said.
"I would love to. Thanks."
We hugged again, he kissed my cheek and I got in my house.

Man, what a night.

Heyyyyy!!! I'm back with another chapter!

Sorry I took too long to update, I had no time at all to write this week (school 😒)...

Hope you liked it!!

Fun fact: this Shawn Mendes idea came from a dream I had last night. You are gonna love it!

See ya later ❄️

~Maddie 💕💚

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