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Shoutout to @Soccergirl3138 for guessing why Summer screamed!

Summer's POV

I was sending a copy of our project to Freddy's e-mail, when I received a new e-mail. I opened it, read it, and couldn't help but scream.


Freddy came running to me.
"Are you okay? What happened?" He asked me.
"Freddy, you HAVE to read this." I said, showing him the e-mail.
"Good night, Summer Hathaway.
I'm John Henz, Shawn Mendes's music producer, (a/n: I made it up. This guy does not exist!) and I have some great news for you and your band.
You have been accepted as the opening number of Shawn Mendes's show in LA. The show is in one week.
I'll send you the plane tickets for all your band members and the name of the hotel you will be staying.
Thank you,
John Henz." Freddy read.

I turned around to face Freddy as he stepped back, covering his mouth in shock.

"Freddy..." I said. "WE ARE OPENING FOR SHAWN MENDES IN LA!!!!!!" I screamed and jumped into his arms, hugging him.
He lift me up a little bit and spun me around. We were so happy!!

"Sum, this is HUGE! Thank you. You are the best manager School of Rock could ever ask for." He said. Awww!! Why does he have to be so cute?!
"And you are the best drummer!" I said, and we both laughed.

-------------time skip to school---------

Mr Finn was trying to teach us Math when Freddy and I decided to annouce the big news.

"Mr Finn? I have some news for the band." I said.
"Okay! Tell us." He said.
"We are going to LA!!!!!!!!" I screamed, and everybody cheered.

We were all celebrating the fact that we would open a show for Shawn Mendes, when we heard our alarm telling us that Principal Mullins was coming.

"Good morning! I'm here for your dance projects!" She said.
We gave her our projects and she left the room.

-------------time skip------------

It was lunch time and I was at my usual table, with Freddy, Tomika, Lawrence and Zack.
"Guys, why don't we make a sleepover?" Tomika said.
"Great idea, Tomika!" Lawrence said.
"What about tonight? My place?" Freddy asked.
"Sounds great!" I said.
"Then it's settled. Tonight ar Freddy's." Zack said.

----------time skip (I know. I'm sorry.)--------

I was almost done with all the stuff we needed for the sleepover when the doorbell rang.
"Oh, Summer! Hey, come on in!" I said.
"Thanks. Sorry I came early, my sister couldn't bring me later, she has cheerleader practice."
"It's okay! You can help me setting everything up if you want."
We were making room for 5 people to sleep on the living room when the others arrived.

We have been chatting for hours, and we decided to play a game.
"Let's play truth or dare!" Zack said.
"Oooh, I'm in!" Tomika said. "Lawrence, truth or dare?"
"Hum... I'm gonna go with truth. I'm afraid of you." He said. Good choice, bud.
"Okay. Have you and Esme ever kissed?" Tomika asked.
"What?! Hum... We... W-we... Have." He said, sweating.
"Lawrence! That's amazing, bro!" Freddy said.
"Yeah, yeah. Summer, truth or dare?" He asked me.
"Truth..?" I said, but it sounded more like a question.
"Do you have a crush?" Man! Not cool!
"I do." I said, blushing a little.
"Oooh, Summer! Who's he?" He asked.
"You already asked me a question. Now, it's my turn!" I said. "Freddy, truth or dare?"
"Hum... Dare. You can't be as evil as Tomika." He said.
"If you think so... I dare you to wear a hat from now to the time we go to sleep!" I said.
"What? Sum, you know I hate hats! I though we were friends..." He said, giving me a puppy eye. Okay, it was cute. But I was dying to see him wearing a hat!
"I'm not changing it!"
"Okay..." He left and came back a minute later wearing a hat and a disgust look on his face. The rest of us, of course, died from laughing!
"Okay, okay. My turn. Tomika, truth or dare?" Freddy asked.
"I'm gonna say... Truth. You are evil."
"Truth? Man, I had the perfect dare for you!"
"Sorry, man. Give me my question."
"Uhn... Do you have a crush on Zack?"
"Dude, we have been dating for like, weeks." She said.
"Dang it! I forgot! Can I make another question?" He said, making me laugh.
"Nope! Zack, truth or dare?"
"Dare." He said.
"Really? Are you sure?" Freddy asked him.
"Yes." He said, looking kinda scared now.
"Alright. I dare you to drink mustard."
"What? Tomika, that's disgusting!" He said, almost screaming.
"You had your chance to change your choice. Now, to the kitchen!"

We all walked to the kitchen, Freddy got the mustard and Zack drank it. After that, he ran to the sink to wash his mouth while we laughed our butts of.

"Let's stop playing?" Zack asked.
"Okay, bro. What do you wanna do?" Freddy asked.
"We could watch a movie!" Lawrence said.
"What movie?" I asked.
"Suicide Squad!" The guys screamed.
"Alright, Suicide Squad it is!" Tomika said.

Freddy put the DVD on and we sat on the couch. I was between Freddy and Tomika, Tomika was beside Zack and Lawrence was on the bean bag.

Halfway through the movie, we all fell asleep. Then Freddy's mom woke us up and we went to our sleepingbags.

The little thing is, when we fell asleep on the couch, I had my head on Freddy's chest, and he had his arm around me.

Yeah. I know.

We laid down like this:


So... I was beside Freddy again. Why I'm thinking this is destiny?

"Good night, guys!" Lawrence said.
"Good night!" We answered.

We laid down and Freddy's mom turned off the lights.

"Good night, Sum." Freddy whispered to me really low, so only I could hear it.
"Good night, Freddy." I whispered back.

Then I drifted to a nice and sweet sleep, full of dreams. Including my dream guy.


Heyyy!! Sorry for not updating for a few days.
I just had a lot going on this week... I still don't know how I managed to write this chapter, and it was pretty big. Well, bigger than my usual ones.
Sooooo... I hope you like it!


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