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Freddy's POV.

We were walking to Shawn Mendes's limousine, when I noticed Summer thinking really really deep.
"What are you thinking about, huh?" I asked.
"Oh, nothing. Just how amazing my new life has been doing so far. It's like, unbelievable."
"Well, I'm glad I can be part of this new life." I said, and smiled at her, and she smiled back. We stood like this for like, 5 seconds, but, again, Lawrence came and interupted.
"Are you guys excited?" He asked.
"Of course! It's gonna be the best 3 days of my life." Summer said.
"Hey, I heard that our hotel is near the beach!" Tomika said, aproaching us hand in hand with Zack.
"I know! We could go on a triple date! Tomika and I, Freddy and Summer, Lawrence and any lucky girl he wants to ask!" Zack said.
"Haha. I'm not going on a date with anyone but Esme. You guys can go, I'll just chill at the hotel." Lawrence said, and we all laughed.

Finally, we arrived at the limousine and got in.
I was beside Summer, who was beside Lawrence, and Mr Finn, Tomika and Zack were across from us.

"Do you guys wanna hear a song?" Shawn asked, from the passenger seat.
"Yeah!" We all answered.

Two seconds later, There's Nothing Holding Me Back started playing.

We sang out hearts out until we arrived at the hotel.

"So, Tomika and Summer will share a room, Freddy, Lawrence and Zack will share another, and Mr Finn will have his own room. Okay?" Shawn said.
"Okay!" Mr Finn said.
"Great. So, I'm gonna let you guys rest for tomorrow. I'll see you guys tomorrow at 2pm at this place, okay?" He said, handing us an adress.
"Thank you, Shawn!" Summer said.
"No problem! See you guys tomorrow!"
With that, he left and we went to the elevator to go upstairs to our rooms.
"What's your room numbers?" Mr Finn asked.
"1007!" Tomika asked.
"Ours is... 1009! We are beside the girls." Zack said.
"Okay, I'm 1001. We are at the same floor." Mr Finn said.

We reached 10th floor and went to our rooms. We were almost sleeping when there was a knock at the door.
Lawrence answered it and the girls came in.
"Hey, guys!" Summer said.
"What are you guys doing?" Tomika said, sitting on Lawrence's bed, while Summer sat at mine. Zack's was just a complete mess.
"Nothing, just chilling." Lawrence said.
"Do you guys wanna go to the beach? No dates, only as a squad." Tomika said.
"Alright!" Zack said.
"I'm in!" I said, and Summer smiled at me.
"Nah, I'll just stay here. I'm freaking tired." Lawrence said. "But have fun!"

We were sitting at the sand,watching the sunset, and Tomika and Zack went for a walk.

"Summer?" I said.
"Yeah?" She said.
"Remember that present I was talking about?" I said, and she laughed.
"Yes." She said.
"I'm going to take you out tomorrow for lunch at a special place. My cousin used to live here, and he told me everything about this place."
"Really, Freddy?"

The sun was going down, soon it would be night.
Summer came closer to me, and put her head on my shoulder. I grabbed her hand and put my head on hers.

"I love you, Freddy." She said.
"I love you too, Sunny." I said.
She laughed at the nickname, and breathed deep.

And we just stood there, until it was night. Then, we walked back to the hotel and went to our rooms.
I laid down on my bed, thinking about what she said.

'I love you, Freddy.'

I couldn't take it out of my mind.

I couldn't take her out of my mind.

So, I've been thinking about starting a Jicardo book after this book reaches its end. What do you guys think? Let me know in the comments!!!
Also, could you guys tell me what do you think of the book? If it's cheesy, boring, too romantic or not romantic at all, for example..? I'm just trying to become a better writer, so I can make things every kind of person would read. So, please?

Thank youuuu 😚😚

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