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Summer's POV

Freddy and I just finished writing our song for the project and it's great. I think we can relate a lot to the song, because I really feel like we can count on each other whenever we need.
"Okay Sum, now we have to decide how to perform. Can you sing?"
"I... I do. But please don't tell anyone!"
"Sure, but why?"
"I just... They just don't need to know a lot of me right now." I said. The real reason, is that I was afraid I could steal Tomika's spotlight (since she's the lead singer of our band) and it is not cool.
"Okay, I respect that." Awww!!
"Thanks, Freddy."
"But we'll have to perform it in a few days. What will we do? My voice is not so good, and I... I would be nervous singing alone in front of everyone..."
"You know what? I'm gonna do it. I'll sing with you."
"Really? Thank you, Summer!"
"I'm doing it for you, so we better be awesome!"

At the end, we decided that Freddy would be playing the acoustic guitar and we'll both sing. We recorded a video so we could see how's it going, and it's so good!! Our voices really match, they sound amazing together.
"Wow, look at the time. I better get going, my mom's probably worried." I said.
"No! Stay! It's so lonely here..."
"Freddy, I have to-" I was cut of by a storm. It started to rain heavily. How great.
"Looks like you'll stay here for a couple hours!" Freddy said, really happy.
"Fine! But let me just call my mom to tell her I'm okay."

I called my mom and she calmed down when she heard I was safe.
"What do you wanna do?" Freddy asked.
"Uhn, I don't know."
"How about we eat something? I don't know about you, but I'm hungry."
"Yes!!! Food!!!"
We ran to the kitchen and started trying to bake something. We tried making a cake, but being who we are, it didn't look like a cake at all. To be honest, it looked like a baby alien that exploded and melt down alongside a meteor.
But the taste was so good!
"How can it look so awful and taste so great?" Freddy asked.
"We are amazing bakers!" I said, and me and Freddy highfived.
"Do you know what else I'm good at?" He asked, aproaching me with a teasing voice.
"Oh, what is it?" I said, teasing back.
"Praking!!!" He screamed as he threw flour on me and ran away like a 5 years old.
"Come back here, Huerta!! Let's play this game of yours!"

Let's just say we were both completely white because of the flour, and so was the house.

"Come on, Summer! Even on my hair?" Freddy complained, looking like a snow man.
"Yes! It was the best part!"
"Okay, okay. You win. Now let's get cleaned up, we look like Olafs."
"Okay" I laughed.
We got cleaned up and decided to watch a movie.
"What will we watch?" I asked.
"How about... We make a Harry Pother marathon?!"
"I'm in! I'm in!!"

We started watching the movies, and when we reached the third one, I got tired, and my head fell down to Freddy's shoulder.
He put his arms around me and I felt safe.
How could someone you just met make you feel like this? I mean, this is just insane!!
I know I might have a tiny (TINY!) crush on him (yes, might!), but, I can't stop thinking about him. I've never felt this way before, it is just crazy to me.

Is this love?

If you haven't notice, I'm really happy. My best friend's bday is almost there! And I have the BEST present to give her! I can't wait for her reaction 😂😂
I really really really wanted to thank you guys for everything, really. Specialy for being such great readers and supporters.
I love you all so much!

Chapter dedicated to my Lazy Squad (you know who you are, I'm too lazy to tag 😂) and Mwab23 💕

~Maddie 2.0, as some (crazy) people have been calling me 😂

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