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Freddy's POV

Remember that song project Mr Finn gave us a few days ago? Yeah, today we would be performing it for the whole class. And I'm kinda nervous... I never sang with a girl before, especialy in front of people!

Everybody had already performed, so next would be Summer and I.
"Are you ready?" Summer whispered to me.
"Nervous, but ready..." I answered.
"Don't worry. We can do it! Just relax and feel the music."

Both: bold and italics / Freddy: bold / Summer: italics

If you ever find yourself stuck in the middle of the sea
I'll sail the world to find you
If you ever find yourself lost in the dark and you can't see
I'll be the light to guide you
Find out what we're made of
When we are called to help our friends in need

You can count on me like one, two, three
I'll be there
And I know when I need it
I can count on you like four, three, two
And you'll be there
Cause that's what friends are suppose to do
Oh, yeah
(Ooh ooh ooh uh uh)
(Ooh ooh ooh uh uh)
(Yeah, yeah)

If you toss and you turn and you just can't fall asleep
I'll sing a song beside you
And if you ever forget how much you really mean to me
Everyday I will remind you
Find out what we're made of
When we are called to help our friends in need

You can count on me like one, two, three
I'll be there
And I know when I need it
I can count on you like four, three, two
And you'll be there
Cause that's what friends are suppose to do
Oh, yeah
(Ooh ooh ooh uh uh)
(Ooh ooh ooh uh uh)
(Yeah, yeah)

You'll always have my shoulder when you cry
I'll never let go, never say good bye

You know you can count on me like one, two, three
I'll be there
And I know when I need it
I can count on you like four, three, two
And you'll be there
'Cause that's what friends are suppose to do
Oh, yeah
(Ooh ooh ooh uh uh)
(Ooh ooh ooh uh uh)
You can count on me, 'cause I can count on you!

Everybody clapped.
"Good job, guys!! I loved it!!" Mr Finn said.
"Oh! Guys! I have some great news for you." Summer said. Oh, did I mention Mr Finn made her our band manager?
"Hit us!" Lawrence said.
"So, yesterday, Freddy and I were passing by Sonic Boom (a/n: references?) when we heard that Shawn Mendes will be holding video auditions to open for his show in LA, that will happen in two weeks!" Summer said.
"OH MY GOD!!!! We have to audition!!" Tomika said.
"Do you guys wanna record the video now?" Mr Finn asked us.
"Yeah!" We all answered.

We recorded a video for the song Let Me Love You, by Justin Bieber and Drake. And, I'm gonna confess: we were on fire!!!

Just then, our alarm buzzed, what means that Principal Mullins was coming.
"Guys, everybody to your places! Principal Mullins is on her way! This is not a test! I repeat: this is not a test! Hide your instruments!" Mr Finn screamed.

"Good morning students, Mr Finn." She said.
"Good morning, Principal Mullins." We all answered.
"I'm here to say that your class has been chosen to make an important project about the history of dance. Mr Finn will pair you up, and each pair has to write 10 pages about it. You have one week to make this project. It's a big challenge for such young people, but I believe you can do it. Don't let me down!" She said, and walked away.
"Okay guys, let's just have the same pairs as the song project. It worked out really well." Mr Finn said.

------------one week later-----------

So, tonight, I'm going to Summer's house so we can work on this project Principal Mullins gave us a few days ago.

"Hey, Freddy, come on in!" Summer greeted me, opening the door.
"Hey, Sum!"
"Are you ready to write 10 pages about history of dance?" She said, trying to sound excited.
"Summer, you don't have to pretend you are excited. This is 100% boring." I said, chuckling.
"You're right." She said, giggling. "Let's get started."

We were writing the 4th page, and it was already midnight. We were working on it for 2 hours! But what really amazed me was all the stuff Summer knew about dance.
"Sum, how do you know all of this?" I asked her.
"I used to take dance classes on my old town. But we haven't found a studio here yet, so I'm taking a break until we do."
"Really? That's awesome!"
"It is! I used to go to a lot of competitions, and I won a lot of awards. My team even did a music video for Sia once!"
"Summer, that's so cool!"

It was almost 2am when we finally finished the project. Yes. We worked on it for of hours.

"I'm gonna send a copy of the project to your e-mail..." Summer said, looking really tired.

A few minutes later, I heard a scream.

BOOM! Another chapter!!!

Hope you liked it 😚

Also, that you guys for all the amazing comments and all the votes. It means the world to me. And thank you for 3k+ reads!!

~Maddie 💕💚 (I just realized Kenzie is my little sis!)

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